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General Boards => PolitiVOL => Topic started by: 101stDad on September 02, 2011, 05:43:13 EDT

Title: Another new low for The Messiah
Post by: 101stDad on September 02, 2011, 05:43:13 EDT
That jobs plan is going to really boost his numbers, however.   :dielaughing:


Title: Re: Another new low for The Messiah
Post by: BanditVol on September 21, 2011, 09:44:33 EDT
His numbers for overall approval are back north of 40%, something Rasmussen, an acknowledged conservative is desperately trying to spin by focusing on the "strong approval/disapproval" numbers, which are seldom even mentioned.

None of which is to say I support Obama, because I don't...but this brings me to my point.  Obama's approval is still far in excess of W's low point of 22%, which is the lowest since Watergate Nixon right before he resigned.

W was a disaster for our country and dam near ruined it.   Never did shizzle his entire life, just rode his daddy's coatails and never should have sniffed the White House.

I say this as a lifelong conservative and registered Republican (though that has been a loose affiliation since ~2004).  Regardless of political ideology, Bush SUCKED.  I try not only to support those whose political views align with mine but who actually know what they are doing and are at least competant.

So what's my point?  My point is wake me up when Obama gets below 30%.  It might actually be newsworthy at that point.

Title: Re: Another new low for The Messiah
Post by: SmokeyJoe on October 18, 2011, 05:32:03 EDT
I was born in 1965.  Obviously, didn't pay a great deal of attention to things until the early 80s.  Agree regarding Dubya, and Barry for that matter!  Or any of them!  We are essentially recycling the same shizzle over, and over, and over again...  They are all controlled by the Corporate plutocracy.  We basically get the same thing whether demorat, or repug, within a fairly narrow prism of "differences".  I voted for Reagan, and Bush I.  Reagan was supposedly the "Messiah" of that era, but I vividly remember an economics professor lecturing that Reagan was implementing nothing more than old fashioned Keynesian economic policy.  Cutting taxes, and increasing military (government) spending.  That is essentially all that he did, and talked about praying in the classroom, and "government" off the backs of the people, blah, blah, blah.  Same shizzle over, and over, and over again.  I see absolutely no one from either party that will solve the problems we are facing.  I have come to believe that we are simply up against a wall.  This is a world of limits, and we have an economic model of "limitless" growth, and the powers that be will do anything to keep it churning along.  We are up against the wall.  I firmly believe we'd all better start preparing for drastically reduced standards of living.  Oh well...   :beer: