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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: Salvador VOLi on August 14, 2011, 01:09:56 EDT

Title: I'm thinking about buying a used Mac Mini
Post by: Salvador VOLi on August 14, 2011, 01:09:56 EDT
Any advice on finding one or what to look out for?

I am a PC guy (I've never even used a mac), but I really enjoying programming so I thought that a could venue for that these days would be iOS programming.  So, I thought that a Mac Mini would be a good start as I wouldn't have to invest in a more expensive Apple product.  I know that I have to get an Intel based model, but other than that I am pretty much in the dark.

Should I be on the lookout for anything else?  As I said, I am a PC guy (you might remember my PC build a few months ago [which by the way is screaming fast]).  So, I guess I am just looking for any advice anyone might have about what to look for/what to look out for and where I might be able to acquire one at a good price.

Title: Re: I'm thinking about buying a used Mac Mini
Post by: XHotlanta on August 14, 2011, 03:08:45 EDT
Actually, the new mac mini's aren't all that expensive, but one generation before that they still had good performance (unless you want to game or do power computing / video editing, etc.).  I have one of the *original* mini's (the PowerPC one, and you don't want one of those, CPU is just way too old).  You will be pleased!  They're as quiet as a butterfly, and weigh just about as much.  Teeny-tiny footprint, heck if you have a spare keyboard/monitor wherever you travel to (2nd home, relatives, vacation condo, whatever), it's as convenient as a laptop in my opinion.

Other than eBay or maybe mac warehouse I don't know where you should look.  Apple stores don't sell used equipment as far as I know.

Welcome to the mac club! (I traded in my old mini for an iMac).

Title: Re: I'm thinking about buying a used Mac Mini
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on August 14, 2011, 01:38:12 EDT
If you can, you should get a new one (or if you can find one of the current generation used- which is unlikely, since they're only about a month old).  The new ones have the latest Sandy Bridge processors and are much, much faster than the last generation or anything that came before.  They also have the new Thunderbolt ports.

Title: need to think about OS upgrade
Post by: dansavol on August 14, 2011, 02:09:13 EDT
don't know what OS will come on it, but the upgrade sequence is OSX Tiger, OSX Leopard, then OSX Lion (the new one).  From Tiger to Lion is a CD you have to order (less than $50), the the on-line upgrade to the new OSX Lion.  You cannot jump from Tiger directly to Lion.  So you have 2 upgrades.  I'm facing this with my desktop.

Also, PowerPC applications (like Quicken) will not run on the new Lion.  I've used Quicken for years and have it on my desk top, but lost it on my MacBook Pro.  Also may have to upgrade Microsoft Office 2008.

That all said, I love it.