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General Boards => PolitiVOL => Topic started by: volsboy on April 25, 2014, 08:08:19 EDT

Title: This Cliven Bundy issue is outrageous. I guess anyone can have their 15 minutes
Post by: volsboy on April 25, 2014, 08:08:19 EDT
of fame. I just hope his lasts until November. GOP running over each other to distance themselves from him.

Title: Re: This Cliven Bundy issue is outrageous. I guess anyone can have their 15 minutes
Post by: midtnvol on April 27, 2014, 02:54:31 EDT
+1.  :thumbup:

Title: Re: This Cliven Bundy issue is outrageous. I guess anyone can have their 15 minutes
Post by: Creek Walker on May 13, 2014, 07:23:34 EDT
The GOP's problem was rallying around Bundy in the first place. Then his newfound fame went to his head, which in turn became too big for his Stetson, and suddenly he thinks the entire world cares about his backwards opinions on slavery and other societal woes. It shouldn't have taken a few racist comments to cause the GOP to realize what a tool this dude is; they should have never bellied up to the bar with him in the first place.

Count me as one of those folks who thinks "big government" is a bad idea, and who thinks that our federal government routinely oversteps its bounds.

But if all of us are permitted to thumb our nose at any law we don't like, and summon a few hundred gun-toting militiamen to our aid, the U.S. is one step away from total anarchy. I happen to believe that the primary purpose of the 2nd Amendment was to protect U.S. citizens from their own government as much as it was to protect them from foreign governments or renegades. The founders' historical documents make that very clear. And I can't rule out the possibility that there will come a day when Americans will find themselves needing to take up arms to defend our way of life from tyrannical government, though I hope that day doesn't occur in my lifetime or in my kids' lifetime. Frankly, though, it's alarming to me that conservative leaders in Washington and conservative media outlets would rally around a guy who is clearly an anarchist at heart...even going so far as to call this another Waco. This is the opposite of Waco. In Waco, Janet Reno's bungling misguidance cost the lives of dozens of innocent civilians. If the BLM had taken the same approach in Nevada, Waco would've been repeated. But Waco taught the feds that justice can wait. Bundy will get what's coming to him, in time.

The thing is, Bundy and the others like him probably have a very valid argument that the federal government should not own significant chunks of the West. But they do, and it isn't like those lands were "grabbed" last year or the year before that, as Fox News insinuates. If the feds' ownership of the land Bundy's cattle graze on is a miscarriage of justice, it's a miscarriage of justice that occurred before Bundy's father's father was even alive. Calling together a band of vigilantes toting AK-47s is hardly the way to solve the problem.

Title: Good job Creek Walker. Spot on. Thank You.**
Post by: PanhandleVol on May 21, 2014, 05:19:28 EDT