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1  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Here is the usual Friday reminder...(FINAL EDITION).... on: August 05, 2022, 05:57:27 EDT

Enjoy some extremely overpriced adult beverages and cigars this weekend!  
2  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Quick request on: August 05, 2022, 02:40:34 EDT
I have several Stud pictures but I can't post them because they aren't uploaded anywhere. I can email them to you. If you want me to email them, send your email address to me by private board message.

I just shot you an email.

Thank you.
3  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Quick request on: August 04, 2022, 08:00:05 EDT
Hello Herb. Sad to lose Vin Scully. Were you a fan of his?

Yep.  An icon and a legend in the business. 
4  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Quick request on: August 04, 2022, 04:16:47 EDT
Anybody got a picture of Stud Squirrel they can post that is downloadable? 

Thanks in advance. 
5  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Army game cancellation on: September 29, 2021, 09:31:51 EDT
And Bandit, no need to sic a moderator on me again. 

I'm done.  The level of sheepiness around here has just gone to levels I can't handle any longer.  It's sickening. 
6  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Army game cancellation on: September 29, 2021, 09:27:48 EDT
I don't know about all the zingers flying right and left here in this thread, but....


That goes double or triple for a team that is rebuilding, retooling, and literally learning how to compete in the conference ON THE FLY.  

WHy the FLYING fizzle would anyone have this team waste valuable, precious time preparing for a scheme THAT WILL DO THEM ABSOLUTELY NO fizzleING GOOD IN CONFERENCE????????????????


It is simply a no brainer that this team will be infinitely better prepared for UF next year playing a tune up game the week prior, as opposed to fighting for it's life trying to get a triple option team off the field.  Oh, but our defense is oh so deep that it will be able to handle that easily - RIGHT?????   WHAT A fizzleING JOKE.

And please, I hate to be so harsh, but you got this nonsense I mention above and you add in some CRAZY ARSE notion that when UT schedules a non con way off in the future, it somehow pledges its sacred honor along with the lives of every first born of every fan to assure and GAURANTEE that the GAME WILL BE PLAYED.  GIVE ME A fizzleING BREAK.  Everyone knows it is downright common for these game to be bought out and reshuffled, rescheduled, etc, etc.  Oh!  I am really sure Army is so hurting to get a huge payday for doing ABSOLUTELY fizzleING NOTHING.  AGAIN, GIVE ME A fizzleING BREAK.  

Sure it can be totally fashioned as a "bad look" for UT if ya wanna twist it that way, but it is downright incompetent NOT TO GET out of this game.  

I'm sorry but I vote for doing the smart thing in terms of letting this team grow and I also vote for giving Army a big payday for the dumbass mistake our shizzlehead AD made years ago.  Ohhhh, Army is really hurting over getting all that cayesh FOR DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Having to even argue this is fizzleING MADDENING.  It's like arguing over the fizzleING color of the clear noon day sky.  

It's amazing how the point has just completely gone over some heads.

Yes, buying out games isn't unusual.  

Buying out games 11 months before the game is scheduled to be played is just plain chickenshizzle.  

And you think Army gives a rats ass about the money? The Army Athletic Association has a dozen Jim Haslams among it's booster group.  It's certainly not about money.  

I don't care how this is spun or allegedly initiated this, White and Huepel could have honored the contract.  Period.  UT is ducking the game. 

So if Vandy decides to start running the triple option will UT duck them, too? 

And what kind of lesson does this send UT about honoring a commitment?  The next time one of you decides to dog a UT player about transferring, just don't.  It would be absolutely hypocritical.  
7  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Army game cancellation on: September 29, 2021, 09:20:49 EDT
And by the way, Bandit - not only did you sic a moderator on me, but you also called me a senior citizen.  While I am not too awful far from there, I am not there yet, Bubba.  But if it makes you feel better, go ahead.  I won't call for a moderator to spank you.  I'm a big boy. 

8  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Army game cancellation on: September 29, 2021, 08:35:04 EDT
Nope!  Didnt strike a nerve at all. Just pointing out that you are behaving more like a child than a literal senior citizen.

Say what you want about me, but let's try and stop short of petty name calling.  We may not like each other, but there are a lot of other good folks that read this board. Just try to stick to the original charter of this place as being different than the UTVols board "cess pool". 

So you call for a moderator and then ask me to tone it down? 

Yeah.  Laughing at that one. 

9  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Army game cancellation on: September 29, 2021, 08:16:38 EDT
oohhh, you got me.  I feel so bad. Not.

I'd rather not see our players get cut, rather not play the triple option.  

Regardless, my issue is with how Toppemeyer presented himself as holier than thou, and acted like White had raped or killed someone on national TV.

Have you even seen the clip?

If not, maybe you should, and not just shoot your mouth off without even knowing what I am talking about.

It's not about whether UT was "running away" or not.  It's how Blake was over the top, and how he bashed the University of Tennessee in public and worst of all, tried to pretend he had a pulse on the fans when in fact he is completely ignorant of how we feel.

As an alum of UT, I take excpetion to how he attacked UT in public.  He could have made his point like a rational human being and with a lot less name calling and I would be okay with it.

Speaking of name calling, you are doing it yet again.  It IS a violation of board rules. I will not allow myself to sink to your level again, but do want to point out that you repeatedly violate this rule.

Is there even a moderator here any more?  If so, I call for some action here.  Name calling IS a violation of the rules.  We should all be adults on here.  That was the original basis of having this site.  

Yes.  I've seen it. He wasn't wrong.  

But by all means continue on your UT's shizzle don't stink line of thinking if you must.

And whining for a moderator?   Poor Bandit.  Apparently I struck a nerve.

And, yes. Be very surprised if Hooker doesn't start Saturday.
10  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Army game cancellation on: September 29, 2021, 08:02:39 EDT
You took the bait, dumbasss. Chop blocks are illegal in college football.  Have been for a while now.  And that's not eben what a chop block is, anyway.

Cut block are what are being used as an excuse as to why the game should be cancelled. A cut block is a block that is below the waist that can only be made against the man directly in front of a blocker and within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage.  Got news for you.  Every college team "cut blocks" at one point or another. In short yardage situations where the defensive lineman are low, that's how you abe to block the DTs. It's not rocket science. 

Inky wasn't blocked low, and it was on the sideline where cut blocks aren't allowed.  Could have happened against Alabama, Vanderbilt,  or any school.

You are the worst kind of UT homer.  Just a sheep.  And one who takes everything je reads on that UT PR site Volquest as objective journalism. 

11  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Army game cancellation on: September 29, 2021, 03:14:43 EDT
Opinions can vary on whether the cancelling the Army game is "chicken shizzle" or not.  It's not that part I care about.  What I do care about is some dipshizzle reporter from Illinois who attended a college in Missouri called "Truman College" go on Finebaum and act like he speaks for Tennessee fans, or more importantly alumni which I am.  He does not, and he can KMA.

I respect that some people view it as backing out, but over on VN, which has a lot more posters than this, it was about 1 in 20.  The other 19 could GAS.  But Toppmeyer went on Finebaum today and implied that most or all Vol fans are upset.

I do know what a chop block is. Any football fan that has followed the game for the last 20 years and has a pulse does, because prior to it being outlawed in the NFL it was covered  and showne and even diagramed endlessly.  In fact, I recall a Green Bay-Dallas playoff game in the 90s where Leon Lett took out a GB DL's knee and a fight broke out on the field.  

Why play a stupid triple option team, ever?  Let alone the week prior to Florida. Plus there is definitley a risk of injury.

If outsiders think that's "running away" fizzle em. I could care less.

For the record, I think we would have beaten Army anyway, or would be capable of doing so.  

I get that you are upset, I know you are also an Army fan.  But the great majority of fans could care less, and Blake shouldn't be running his mouth about it on Finebaum.  And Finebaum should quit occasionally pretending to actually like Tennessee. He doesn't.

Blake was the UT beat writer for the KNS for several years.  He's been there done that at UT.  He still covers UT and other SEC schools.  

And I didn't think you would actually answer my question about what a "chop block" actually is and where on the field it can be employed by rule.  Just admit you don't really know instead of trying to justify with your drivel about how it was outlawed in the NFL.  

Just like I said, you are completely clueless.  

And you can paint it anyway you like, it's still running away from the game.  Put lipstick on that pig, but it's still a pig.  

And it's interesting to learn that you are for censorship. Says a lot about you.  But again, not surprised.  You know it all and nobody else knows anything.  
12  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Army game cancellation on: September 29, 2021, 01:27:27 EDT
Blake is correct.

And Bandit, I doubt that you even know what the hell a "chop" block is and when and where it can be used on the field.  

Nothing UT can do/say can justify waiting until 11 months before a game that has been scheduled for 6 years to decide to buy it out.  And it was White and Hype that made the decision to buy it out.  Fulmer and Poot had talked about it, but the decision wasn't made until back in the early summer.  

It's pure running and hiding chickenshizzle.  

And it's pathetic.  And you are still clueless. 
13  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: I have read elsewhere that Hooker might have another year of eligibility on: September 28, 2021, 09:07:56 EDT
It's been posted several times here that Hooker has this year and one more. 
14  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: USCe is a noon KO on: September 28, 2021, 03:26:43 EDT
Noon KOs are good.  You can get the misery over with early in the day and move on to more fun things. 

The only rub is that Army plays a lot of noon games, too, especially when they are at home.  But I deal with it.  One on the big screen and one on the tablet. 

But don't ask me which is where.  Just don't.   
15  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Depth........ on: September 27, 2021, 06:18:07 EDT
I tend to agree and believe in the end that is what will happen
I just wonder if there is more gump related issues in the background that is causing further delay to that end

I'm not sure what else UT can do there at this point.  They cut ties with him and have refused to pay a buyout because of the keep clean clause in his contract.   At this point, it's time to shizzle or get off the pot.  

And an Edit: 

The only possible thing that the NCAA could still use would be if they tied Poot's actions to that of an administrator, and with Fulmer gone, too, even that would be difficult.  But, the fact that UT actually did pay Fulmer a buyout might negate that action.  Paying Fulmer for going away again was a mistake, IMO.  Should have just sent his ass packing the same way they did Poot. 
16  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Depth........ on: September 27, 2021, 03:07:36 EDT
Only 71 scholarship players, half of whom aren't even lower level SEC caliber talent. 

And it's going to get worse before it gets better.  Until the NCAA determines what our punishment is going to be recruiting is going to continue to suck out loud.  It just is. 

17  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Interesting deal on the QBs on: September 27, 2021, 03:01:53 EDT
Chances of the offense getting much better this year are pretty slim.  We simply have zero QB play, and very little OL play.  And absolutely no depth in the OL, so nothing is going to change there. 

Just brace for a long year.  It's going to happen. 

18  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: They must not trust Milton on: September 26, 2021, 03:28:24 EDT
Bailey is definitely not going to play for CJH, it seems. He will be gone soon, I think.

I don’t know what it was, but there’s likely a reason that UGA and other top programs weren’t high on him out of HS.

You watch him play and it's not really hard to see. 

He is slow to his spot, can't move well enough to roll out of the pocket, and he doesn't make decisions quickly enough to get the ball out in a timely manner. 

By all accounts a great young guy, but just not a P5 level QB.  Be surprised if he doesn't end up at a G5 school. 
19  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: The “Won’t Back Down” thing is pretty cool… on: September 26, 2021, 03:12:21 EDT
Can't.  Have to do the DJ hip hop crap.  It's all about the recruits, you know.  fizzle the fans and the people who support the program.   
20  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Depth........ on: September 26, 2021, 03:11:09 EDT
Slight disagreement. 

We have very few SEC caliber players right now.  That's the issue. 

And the ones that we do have don't seem to be able to catch the football or keep from doing stupid stuff. 

But I like the effort we are getting from those SEC caliber players we do have, and I have no doubt that this coaching staff is light years away from the past couple of staffs. 

It's just all about recruiting, and until the NCAA issues are resolved that isn't going to be good.  Right now it's awful.  Other schools are hammering us with potential sanction accusations, which our staff can't quiet at this point because they don't know, either. 
21  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: They must not trust Milton on: September 26, 2021, 03:07:15 EDT
I don't think they trust any of the QBs. 

And if I am Bailey I am looking for a landing spot. 
22  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Bowling Green defeated Minnesota today* on: September 26, 2021, 03:05:44 EDT
Row that boat! 

I believe we are beginning to see that Luke Fickell is nothing more than another cliche master like Butch Jones. 

23  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Y'all think Arky vs aTm will be a good one? on: September 25, 2021, 11:13:58 EDT
Sam Pittman can flat out coach 'em up.
24  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Here is the usual Friday reminder.... on: September 24, 2021, 08:46:14 EDT
Droner's employees having other Friday afternoon nekkid drunken party. 
25  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: For those that like Leach, do you think he get Miss State to be competitive on: September 22, 2021, 02:28:02 EDT
Well, he just lost to Memphis 31-29. Can't laugh at that too much. Memphis has been better than the Vols many times in the past few seasons. I'm not so sure Leach is Miss State's savior. What has he really done? SEC will expose a lot of fake good coaches.

Nope.  Didn't lose to Memphis.  Got screwed at Memphis. 

So said the SEC office. 
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