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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: Hollerboy on August 29, 2012, 09:35:23 EDT

Title: Sounds harsh but we shouldn't interrupt natural selection....
Post by: Hollerboy on August 29, 2012, 09:35:23 EDT


Natural selection is natures way of weeding out the unfit, the weak, the infirm, the completely stupid. The guy who was run over while standing in the road wearing a ghillie suit trying to fake a bigfoot sighting.....removal of his genes from the gene-pool is a good thing.

I hate to be insensitive here but these folks south of New Orleans...that were under a mandatory evacuation order....that did not learn from Katrina...and are now trapped....should not be rescued (if not for the innocent kids they probably have with them). People are putting their own lives in danger to rescue these folks who are incapable of learning.

In Mississippi, two adults and an infant were rescued from a houseboat!!! Trying to ride out a hurricane in a houseboat???? With an infant???? Really? If not fer the kids, I would let em fend for themselves.

Sorry to rant but I just dont have much patience for super-stupid people...I can deal with the mildly stupid.

John Wayne once said...."Life is hard; It's even harder when you're stupid."

Hope I dont offend anyone from LA but I just can't help myself.

Title: Knee jerk I agree, but thinking seriously about it I can't help but wonder
Post by: VOLMAN on August 29, 2012, 09:44:47 EDT
if many just don't have the money and/or means of getting away and staying in a hotel. I wonder if the gov't couldn't do something to facilitate removal pre-storm of people who don't have a car/money etc. to evacuate pre-storm. Of course then everyone that doesn't want to spend the money would be claiming they couldn't evacuate, so basically I don't know what the answer is. :wink:

Title: Re: Sounds harsh but we shouldn't interrupt natural selection....
Post by: RIPLEYVOL on August 29, 2012, 10:51:41 EDT
There is a system setup to "assist" the less than fortunate in the evacuation process!  If people choose to stay after a "mandatory" order; Fire Rescue and the Coast Guard should not be made to go and attempt a resuce! 

Title: Re: Sounds harsh but we shouldn't interrupt natural selection....
Post by: PirateVOL on August 30, 2012, 02:13:35 EDT
When Ivan went through Navarre and Pensacola (right over East Bay) some MORONs went sailing in the bay in the eye and then SCREAMED for help when the back side came into the bay.  Some heros had to risk their lives rescueing these freaking MORONS - my view?  Enjoy the ride MORONS!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Knee jerk I agree, but thinking seriously about it I can't help but wonder
Post by: Screaming Eagle Dad on August 30, 2012, 02:53:36 EDT
if many just don't have the money and/or means of getting away and staying in a hotel. I wonder if the gov't couldn't do something to facilitate removal pre-storm of people who don't have a car/money etc. to evacuate pre-storm. Of course then everyone that doesn't want to spend the money would be claiming they couldn't evacuate, so basically I don't know what the answer is. :wink:

It is not the role of the government to get these people out of anything. In years gone by people would help people who were not able to help themselves for good reasons. Our Constitution says the role of the government is to "provide for the general welfare" of people not be the answer to all of lifes problems. If they choose to stay because they are stupid then that's on them. If they stay because no one will help them, as in neighbors, that is sad.

Title: Re: Sounds harsh but we shouldn't interrupt natural selection....
Post by: BanditVol on August 30, 2012, 04:37:19 EDT
There haven't been that many reports of people having to be rescued from their roofs.  It may be as small as a few thousand, compared to tens or even hundreds of thousands last time with Katrina.   And from what I understand, most of those stranded are in remote or rural areas not protected by the new levees in New Orleans.

It sounds like a minor problem.  I'm just grateful it didn't happen to my neighborhood. 

Title: Re: Sounds harsh but we shouldn't interrupt natural selection....
Post by: PirateVOL on August 30, 2012, 05:51:14 EDT
There haven't been that many reports of people having to be rescued from their roofs.  It may be as small as a few thousand, compared to tens or even hundreds of thousands last time with Katrina.   And from what I understand, most of those stranded are in remote or rural areas not protected by the new levees in New Orleans.

It sounds like a minor problem.  I'm just grateful it didn't happen to my neighborhood. 
The issue with overtopping of a levee or a breach is another matter.  One could argue if they should have left but given the intensity I would have considered staying given the stalling of the storm was not forecasted.