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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: Clockwork Orange on August 01, 2013, 06:28:45 EDT

Title: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: Clockwork Orange on August 01, 2013, 06:28:45 EDT
I think we can officially declare people with expectations of 8-9 wins out of their fizzleing minds. We already knew this, but I think this cements it.

I mean . . . is there a remote chance we knock one of these teams off? Sure. But even if we did that we'd have to sweep Vandy, Auburn, and Missouri to get to 8 wins which is a tall task in itself.

http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2013/8/1/4578226/college-football-rankings-2013-coaches-poll-top-25 (http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2013/8/1/4578226/college-football-rankings-2013-coaches-poll-top-25)

1. Alabama
3. Oregon
5. Georgia
7. South Carolina
10. Florida

FWIW, we are in the others receiving with 1 point; Vandy is in there with 27 points.

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: Stogie Vol on August 01, 2013, 06:46:32 EDT
Blarg....that's a hefty dose of reality after riding a recruiting high.

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: droner on August 01, 2013, 07:22:01 EDT
No surprise there. We've known what we know since the end of last season: This season's schedule is brutal, we lost our entire offense and we have basically the same team as last year. Minus that offense.

Reality accepted.

Just get better. Don't quit. Keep building.

I swear that the first time a member of the Legion of the Miserable posts here complaining that we didn't beat Oregon or Alabama, etc., etc. I will delete their post immediately. After a proper old man scolding.  :old:

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: Stogie Vol on August 01, 2013, 08:42:13 EDT
The reality of where the team is for this season is what it is (hate that saying, but it fits) and we can't expect 8 wins.... 7 is pushing it.  However, I do think we are experiencing a special time in Tennessee football.  I've been optimistic with the other dud hires we made, but Butch is proving to be getting us on the right track.  I'm more optimistic than I've been in a long time about the direction of the team; the alternate mindset is just too painful.

Here's to a season that may not be the best, but shows us glimmers of the bright future of Tennessee football.  :beer:

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: Inspector Vol on August 01, 2013, 08:49:46 EDT
I can live with 4-8 5-7 if we play hard and don't look inept in our schemes and adjustments. However I think there is just enough talent if we execute well and get some bounces we could get 6-6 and if truly lucky get to 7-5. Luck follows effort and preparation......so I expect to have some better luck this year. That is not meant to say I expect 7-5, but I do think dooleys bad luck was well earned.

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: Memphisvolunteer on August 01, 2013, 09:08:56 EDT
While I agree that it is tough that 5 teams we play are in the top 10, let's also remember that this is a pre-season poll.  There have been times where teams were picked high pre-season and have falling on their butts during the season, i.e. Bama the year they started preseason top 5 and ended with a losing season, UT started preseason top 5 and ended with a losing record, USC started preseason #1 last year and look what they did.  The preseason poll is just that.  Surprises do occur in college football each year.

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: VinnieVOL on August 01, 2013, 09:33:38 EDT

Here's to a season that may not be the best, but shows us glimmers of the bright future of Tennessee football.  :beer:

I think you're just making excuses to drink.

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: Clockwork Orange on August 01, 2013, 09:39:02 EDT
I think you're just making excuses to drink.

Here's to Vinnie!  :beer:

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: Stogie Vol on August 01, 2013, 09:51:35 EDT
I think you're just making excuses to drink.

I don't need no stinkin' excuses!

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: Creek Walker on August 01, 2013, 11:12:26 EDT
There's no doubt in my mind that this is the toughest schedule Tennessee has had since 1990. With that said, I think Georgia at No. 5 is a joke and I'm certainly not sold on Oregon being No. 3. There's too much uncertainty there, IMO, to put any team with a new head coach that high in the preseason poll. I don't think Tennessee wins at Oregon (and certainly not at Alabama) but I've got Georgia and South Carolina on my list of possible upsets.

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: PirateVOL on August 01, 2013, 11:19:46 EDT
There's no doubt in my mind that this is the toughest schedule Tennessee has had since 1990. With that said, I think Georgia at No. 5 is a joke and I'm certainly not sold on Oregon being No. 3. There's too much uncertainty there, IMO, to put any team with a new head coach that high in the preseason poll. I don't think Tennessee wins at Oregon (and certainly not at Alabama) but I've got Georgia and South Carolina on my list of possible upsets.
I agree both are possible.  We played both very close on the road last year with a red cape for a defense (should have beat the pups IMO). We trade the red cape for a defense and hopefully we can have a reasonable offense.  Both are possible at home.

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: RIPLEYVOL on August 02, 2013, 03:34:42 EDT
With just an ounce of Defense last year, we would have been bowling.  My glaring ORANGE tinted glasses are only showing me a drastic change (in a good way) for our VOLS this year.  If not, thank God I own a Liquor Store! :beer: :beer: :beer:

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: BanditVol on August 02, 2013, 03:20:06 EDT
I'm as optimistic as anyone, but I don't see us winning 8 without a bowl win.

I do think we can knock off USCe at home, but I don't see us sweeping all the rest.

Would love to be wrong though.   :biggrin:

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: droner on August 02, 2013, 04:07:57 EDT
Georgia's #5 ranking is precarious at best. Three of their first four games are against Clemson, South Carolina and LSU. That doesn't mean UGA won't be good, but if they get off to a bad start you wonder how things will go from there.

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: PirateVOL on August 02, 2013, 08:32:35 EDT
Open at the rat tiglets

Oh and you forgot to mention that their 5th game was in Neyland  :naughty: :powert:

Title: IF our young QBs and WRs are good enough to keep the defense
Post by: VOLMAN on August 02, 2013, 08:40:26 EDT
honest and our D is much improved from last year I think we have a decent chance to knock of the Dawgs as they'll have been on some very tough road trips and could very well be licking their wounds as well as beat up when they come into Neyland. We could really use a win over one of the teams that have taken our position in the top tier of the SEC and Ga appears to me to be the most realistic team....plus the pusses.  :patriot:

Title: Re: So with the preseason coaches' poll out
Post by: Jethro on August 02, 2013, 09:47:20 EDT
I think we can officially declare people with expectations of 8-9 wins out of their fizzleing minds. We already knew this, but I think this cements it.

I mean . . . is there a remote chance we knock one of these teams off? Sure. But even if we did that we'd have to sweep Vandy, Auburn, and Missouri to get to 8 wins which is a tall task in itself.

http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2013/8/1/4578226/college-football-rankings-2013-coaches-poll-top-25 (http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2013/8/1/4578226/college-football-rankings-2013-coaches-poll-top-25)

1. Alabama
3. Oregon
5. Georgia
7. South Carolina
10. Florida

FWIW, we are in the others receiving with 1 point; Vandy is in there with 27 points.

I'm raising a glass to whoever gave us that one vote for #25.