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1  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: When your offense SUCKS on: September 26, 2017, 03:29:43 EDT
and your defense allows a poor team off their own goal line

equates - we SUCK!

So the offense sucks now? Who knew? 
2  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: I've been catching up on some TV shows on Netflix... on: February 20, 2015, 03:30:04 EST
Speaking of Kevin Spacey I did not know he was so good at impressions until recently.

3  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: This could explain Peyton's issues on: January 12, 2015, 08:40:15 EST
The Broncos are soft in general but the DL and OL get pushed around by playoff teams. Just like Indy they depend on Peyton too much, and when he is hurt you see what happened to them. if they don't get some nasty on the OL and DL but mostly OL they will not get a superbowl no matter who is qb.
4  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: So 2015- most anticipated season at UT since, what, 99?* on: January 05, 2015, 03:23:30 EST
I would say since 2005. The season sucked but we were expected to be very good.
5  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Do we stop with the "Mike Slive hates Tennessee" stuff now? on: December 09, 2014, 03:31:54 EST
Slive just loves money. UT has not been in position to help the conference or him by extension make any money.

Do I think he would help protect the cash when it comes to a game involving a team that does not need to lose to get into a big money game.......yes.
6  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Wow, if THIS is the best Florida can do... on: December 01, 2014, 05:38:31 EST
Don't what type of personality McElwain has, but if he isn't an abrasive a$$ he won't get the job.
7  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk about the recent offensive success on: November 06, 2014, 03:43:31 EST
That's exactly right.....a split second hesitation can make all the difference in the world in the run and passing game. With Worley not being a run threat and have a one back set....The defense could pin back their ears. Can't do that much anymore.

Exactly. Which was a big part of my problem with the staff. We were bound and determined to run some sort of spread with a non running qb and a weak OL. Those slow developing runs to Hurd just got destroyed much of the time because of penetration. Now they have to set back a little and it gives more time for those plays to work. Now they have to honor the run game which makes play action a viable option now where it was just ignored by the defense before.
8  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk about the recent offensive success on: November 04, 2014, 07:06:02 EST
Dobbs has done some great things the last two games but perhaps the best work he's done is to completely rebuild the confidence of his offensive linemen. He has taken the pressure off of them-- they no longer have to think "if I screw this up we have a negative play or a turnover," because that's no longer automatic. Dobbs's mobility in the pocket and running ability has allowed the OL to just go out there and play football. Just hit somebody and do your job as best you can, because there's a guy behind you that will make you look amazing. It's just a completely different mental approach when you don't have to worry about so much riding on every block you make.

One sack allowed and 505 rushing yards in 7 quarters. Some of that is Dobbs himself, but that OL is just playing much, much better now that the pressure is off.

I would agree that the lack of pressure has helped the OL, but another thing that has helped them as much as anything is the front 7 now have to be a bit more cautious in their play or they will give Dobbs rush lanes. It helps give them just that little bit of an edge they did not have earlier and as we can see it makes a huge difference especially on the road when noise keeps the ol from hearing the qb much of the time.
9  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk about the recent offensive success on: November 04, 2014, 03:59:02 EST
Amen. Just ready for the long nightmare to end.
10  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: OKay, I'll start the elephant in the room thread about Manning and the Bronco's on: November 03, 2014, 08:24:21 EST
Same old story for Peyton. Put a little coldness, wind and loud crowd and we get last night. Other than Gronk, I don't think anyone on Patriots offense would make the Bronco's roster. Before you say I am a fair weather fan, no I'm not. I could see it in his face, he just looked uncomfortable before the game even started. Brady has more of a killer instinct. Manning gets upset, all he does is come to the sidelines shaking his head, Brady comes off the field pissed off and pumping his fist at his teammates. Plus the Bronco's have been a little conservative in the play calling all season. You've got the best QB and receivers in the league, go vertically down the field, quit throwing those behind the line screens and if you have 4th and 6, don't throw it 4 yards. I think it is hard to call Manning better than Brady due to the difference of the on-field competitive drive. It just seems that teams built around Manning are too soft and lack swagger. Brady's teams have that. Hope this doesn't piss too many of you off. Look at the players Brady has compared to Peyton, and he just plain beat Denver bad. This is the best team Peyton has had at his disposal. I still feel Manning will end up best ever as this is just one game and long way to go in this season. Hard to argue with their head to head record, just hard to get my head around that the best ever would have such a dismally bad record against his biggest rival to the ever-title. I'm sure Peyton gives a crap whether he's considered the best ever or not by me or anyone else.

Just an FYI read an article that said 7 of the 11 games they have played have been at Foxboro. Pats have a good scheme and they are good at holding and not being called for PI. Also good at cheating.
 Denver did play very soft yesterday. Looked like the Super Bowl against the Seahawks. They will have to get tougher to get back to it.
11  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Chuckle on: November 03, 2014, 03:53:49 EST
Bad missed call, but if he had not been whining like a little girl all night he might have got the call.
12  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: I had some serious issues with our coaching for much of last night's game on: November 03, 2014, 03:51:56 EST
It's no secret I have been critical of the offensive coaching and even some of Butch's in game decisions or lack thereof. I still have no faith in Bajakian. That said the game plan has changed to fit Dobbs. It has made things easier for our OL as guys can't just rush and blitz the qb at will without risking something. Our youth and lack of depth is hurting our WR's now. Josh Smith being out has hurt badly. Malone is getting better but still has not learned to be physical enough yet. Croom makes a play here and there but typically only if he is wide open. Hurd has been all we could hope for in a freshman rb, but he needs help badly. I don't like seeing the qb run it 20 times in a game but the truth is we still can't win this year unless he does. My biggest complaint with the offensive coaching this game was running that little flare pass to Hurd a half dozen times. Throwing it to Hurd is a good idea but change the look up on that pass. It set up a good play for TE on the slant but he batted it and it got picked off. I just think we went to well too much with that play and that had a lot to do with us settling for a fg in overtime as they jumped that play for a loss then.

Defensively I think we just saw a coach take advantage of the limitations we still have. Coleman plays hard but he is just not very good against good SEC talent. Spur was not going to throw at Sutton much when he had other match ups. Props to the players and coaches for pulling out a big road win though. Still in shock that we won but I am very happy we tore Spurrier's guts out.

The opportunity to get a bowl game is there now, just have to win.
13  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 06, 2014, 11:54:25 EDT
:kiss2:IIf you ever played and/or studied the game and thus provided any, repeat ANY backup to your whining and bitching your posts might be considered.  I did note you did not have a DAMN THING TO SAY while the team was playing WELL but the first time there was a let down you were back whining and bitching, not about the team but about your perceived persecution.

I try to add justification to my positions.  If that doesn't seem "nice"' then that is YOUR freaking problem, not mine.

You are back on it ignore till you are ready to speak with any intelligence about the football team and/or the coaches

Well I was done but............Speaking of back up.....lets back up to last year......one of us made observations about the offense and one was stuck on the defense as the main issue........which one turned out better this year and which one did not? I think that is sufficient backup, but you go ahead and tell me how that is not correct.

I suspect he was like me in not commenting before. I was waiting on you twits to start complaining about the offensive staff before I said anything. After the correctly perceived persecution (persecution is not my word it is yours) I was waiting for this. If that bothers you then I am not sorry.
14  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 06, 2014, 05:38:07 EDT
That is actually a fairly common scheme against a backside DE.  We ran it several times effectively against UGA last week.

It all depends on the end or the capability of the TE, common or not.
15  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 06, 2014, 05:35:42 EDT
The problem I have with the criticism is that no one was complaining after Georgia, were they? Nor any of our other games.  Or only a very few were.

This was one bad game, and we have an entirely new OL.  Further, even though UF got blown out by Bammer in the past Muschamp has proven he can coach defense.  They are much healthier this year and I expect them to have a winning season and go to a bowl game this year if Driskel is sitting.

There is plenty of time for the team to learn from this, correct mistakes, and move on.

I predicted 5-7 at the start of the season primarily due to our lack of experience on the lines, and I stick by that.  Next year, and particularly 2016, will be different in terms of my expectations.

I didn't say anything about last week here. I haven't said anything about anything here since last year besides offering condolences or well wishes to people. Probably could count what I have posted on 1 hand. I was just waiting for others to start making comments about the offensive performance so I would know when it was ok to note the same issues.

I don't think anyone expected much more than 6-6 at most. The problem is we are going to have to win some conference games to make a bowl game. Whether or not anyone expected to win the UGA or UF game before the season, the facts are we gave 2 games away we should have won. You can point to a lot of things in close games that contribute to losses or wins. With the sample size we have between last year and this I see some good and some that have not changed. We definitely play harder and compete hard which is a big thing. The defense is playing much better than their talent, which is a product of proper coaching. The offense has looked some better against outmanned teams with improved weapons, Hurd and Smith being the two biggest upgrades so far. The OL has been bad, but they are very young but mostly inexperienced. The offense played pretty good at UGA except in the 3rd quarter where we blew a chance to win the game in the 3rd quarter by not scoring when we had field position for a large portion of it. Part of that was because Worley was hurt and part of it was we crapped the bed with play calling. Worley was having probably his best day and we did not let him throw the ball except for 3rd and long which we cannot do because of our OL issues. That and we refuse to give the tackles the help they need in those situations, or roll the pocket etc. It is like watching the 99 uf game where we refused to change anything and let Alex Brown kill us the whole game.

I don't think the record matters this year as far as recruiting goes. I think we still have a really good class regardless. A bowl game might help a little, but not much. If we don't show something next year, the negative recruiting may start having an effect. We are in reality 2 or 3 more really good classes away from having real SECC level talent in all phases. With that said a good coach can overcome some problems to steal a win, like the Carolina game last year. I think we are trending up but I need to see more from the offensive staff before I am a believer in them.  
16  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 06, 2014, 04:46:22 EDT
Ditto.  One can see a great contrast between this OL and last year's, which I believe IV also complained about.   

Actually my main observation was about some questionable blocking assignments in the scheme. The most glaring was expecting the TE we had last year to cross the formation after the snap and be able to block Clowney or any other DE.
17  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Two years ago I thought Butch made a mistake by cutting Sam Pittman on: October 05, 2014, 08:03:06 EDT
True...but good coaches would have figured that out......say 3 games and a open date ago.

I agree. It is nothing but pure stubbornness or stupidity to keep doing the same thing when you can plainly see it will not work with the personnel you have.
18  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Two years ago I thought Butch made a mistake by cutting Sam Pittman on: October 05, 2014, 06:56:03 EDT
Have no problem with him wanting to bring in guys he trusts. Now he should know he is going to have to make changes if we are going to get anywhere. I know we have some very weak areas most noticeable is the OL. Got to scheme around it and not leave freshmen on an island to block stunts and blitzes.
19  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 05, 2014, 06:50:28 EDT

I'm just a fan that enjoys watching football and I've done that for several years. If I, along with literally millions of other people, can see that a true freshman tackle cannot block a defensive end one on one and needs a tight end beside him to help, then it is inexcusable that the offensive coaching staff cannot seem to grasp that very simple concept. I mean, it's not like they are using the tight end in the passing game, so I'm pretty sure he is available if they would just put him there. This is on Jones, too. This is his offensive scheme. He better figure out pretty quickly that there are some adjustments to be made or it will be his downfall at Tennessee. He can recruit all the players he wants, but if he doesn't find a way to start coaching around the deficiencies on the team, then he will not survive in the long run. I really don't give a shizzle who is coaching Tennessee, so if he fails then whatever, bring on the next one. I would prefer he succeed, as I'm quite tired of being patient. He will have to to change that infallible philosophy for the next couple of years, though. His system is not working consistently at all. If the players don't make great plays then the offense goes nowhere. That's not good scheme at all. I'll be hoping that progress is shown on the offense the rest of the year like the defense has shown at this point. They are just as young on that side of the ball and playing light years ahead of the offense to this point. That should make it pretty clear at where the coaching is falling short.

 The personnel has never been the whole problem. I am LMAO how the experts here are now griping about the OC and the play calls.   
20  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 05, 2014, 03:30:35 EDT
I don't really care who complains about what, I just know I got my ass eat out by several people here last year for questioning the offensive philosophy and staff.

21  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 05, 2014, 03:03:25 EDT
22  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Update on: July 08, 2014, 11:48:22 EDT
My sympathies to you and yours.
23  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Great news! Dad was able to leave the hospital yesterday evening on: June 13, 2014, 04:09:49 EDT
Good for him.
24  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Update on Dad on: May 22, 2014, 03:26:48 EDT
Continued best wishes for him.
25  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Prayer request on: May 16, 2014, 03:51:06 EDT
Sorry to hear that. Hope he gets better.
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