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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: murfvol on October 10, 2011, 01:30:35 EDT

Title: Run Game Thread #785
Post by: murfvol on October 10, 2011, 01:30:35 EDT
1) I like Poole, but he's slow to the hole.

2) There's not always a hole, but with a quick back with vision we wouldn't be nearly as bad. Opportunities exist.

3) Lane is an ungrade with good hands, but we need a game changer.

In short, things aren't as bad as stats would indicate even though they're not great. We ran fairly well with Hiestand and Cheney at the controls under Kiffin so I have faith they're not the problem.

Title: Re: Run Game Thread #785
Post by: BanditVol on October 10, 2011, 05:29:23 EDT
I am not a coach at all, but I did study a few running plays last night in slo mo because they went so badly (and plus there were commercials  :biggrin:).   I actually saw some good holes being opened, but no running back to fill them. By the time the running back got to the holes, they were gone.   I can speculate that the line is not holding their blocks long enough, but it looked more like a timing error.  The backs seemed to get the ball so far back in the backfield that by the time they got to the line the holes had closed.   I would suggest moving them closer to the line and working on the timing.  FWIW.