VTTW Board Index

Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: GreggO on October 11, 2011, 05:58:07 EDT

Title: Meet it or Beat it; A VTTW challange...
Post by: GreggO on October 11, 2011, 05:58:07 EDT
Because I think the world of Granny (Becky) and her husband Dean and have known them for years, as well as her brother Carson even though breifly, I decided to make a pledge to her Komen for the Cure drive. There is no need for anyone who would like to contibute to post a thing on this board and if you are one who wishes to donate, you can do so anonymously at the link she has posted above. I threw down just $25 just as an opener and I'd hope that the VTTW'ers can come through for her and the cause as best you can. I think I can give up one $5 fast-food trip for this week and the next four weeks as well (easily!!!!). If it's possible for any of you to give, please do so. I lost my mother to a long-term disease and I have a 27 year old nephew with two kids who has made it past Hodgkins lymphoma and thyroid cancer, so far.

We are getting very close to solving the cancer/cancer-type diseases and once we can solve the mutations of cells delimma we will have a handle on cancers, HIV-AIDS and my disease, Polycythemia Vera.

So, I'm pitching a "Meet it or Beat it" here. Please don't feel pressured to donate if this is not your cause or you money is being sent to another worthy cause or if this is just bad timing. But, if you can....... please do so.

Thanks all!
