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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: Black Diamond Vol on October 31, 2011, 08:03:43 EDT

Title: Be honest...
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on October 31, 2011, 08:03:43 EDT
UT/MTSU is on at roughly the same time as bammer/LSU.  If you're not going to be at our game in person, which game will you be watching?

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: RockinGrannyVol on October 31, 2011, 08:08:04 EDT
UT/MTSU is on at roughly the same time as bammer/LSU.  If you're not going to be at our game in person, which game will you be watching?

Honestly?  I'll be watching Bama/LSU and flipping back and forth to the Vol game OR have 2 tv's going....not sure which yet

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: droner on October 31, 2011, 08:08:18 EDT

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: VinnieVOL on October 31, 2011, 08:09:29 EDT
When they announced the time for the MTSU game I knew I wouldn't be going.  Had it been a noon kickoff, I probably would have went.  What station is carrying our game anyway?

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: TheRealOrange on October 31, 2011, 08:12:17 EDT
UT/MTSU is on at roughly the same time as bammer/LSU.  If you're not going to be at our game in person, which game will you be watching?

If I can get the Vols, I'll watch as much as I can stomach.  I doubt I'll watch any of the bama/LSU game.

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: BigOrange Maniac on October 31, 2011, 08:16:08 EDT
No question. I'll watch UT/MTSU.

But I won't go to it. I'm finished with that this year. If Bray is back for the Vandy game, I MIGHT go, but I doubt it.

I'm just ready to get it over with and get on to spring practice.

(BTW, I thought your question was going to be something about whether MTSU will upset UT. My answer would've been that there's a very good chance.  :hurl: )

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: droner on October 31, 2011, 08:20:45 EDT
When they announced the time for the MTSU game I knew I wouldn't be going.  Had it been a noon kickoff, I probably would have went.  What station is carrying our game anyway?

Fox Sports South

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: TallVol on October 31, 2011, 08:22:53 EDT
I will be watching the UT game but switching back to the other game during commercial breaks. 

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: GreggO on October 31, 2011, 09:12:41 EDT
I will be watching the UT game but switching back to the other game during commercial breaks. 



Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: RIPLEYVOL on November 01, 2011, 01:48:49 EDT
It will have to be the UT game.....probably one of the only 2 victories we may have the rest of the season...(I HOPE)!

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: 3beans on November 01, 2011, 02:36:15 EDT
Are you kidding????  I would LOVE to watch Worley play in a game where he at least has a chance to take his time and start making some plays.  He had a few high points against SC and I just wonder what would of happened if Rogers had not dropped the TD pass.  This will a glimpse of the future.  A chance where he starts to tune into the receivers to find his 'go to' guy.  Everything is wide open this weekend.  I hope we don't just try and run the ball and win.  I want to see the guy get a real chance to show what he can do.  Let him make some mistakes and make some big plays.  Like it or not, Worley is our key guy until Bray comes back.

As far a Bama/LSU, well they both are equally talented.  I give LSU the edge in explosiveness and Bama the edge in consistency.  Since Bama is a home, the consistency factor will win out because I think LSU will make a few mistakes.  It should be a good game.

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on November 01, 2011, 02:46:46 EDT
I'll admit, I'm probably going to watch Bammer/LSU and flip over to our game during commercials.  If our game gets unexpectedly close, I'll switch.  Otherwise, I'll just DVR it and watch the whole thing later. 

I'm having a hard time thinking of a time when two better teams than bammer and LSU met in the regular season- especially this late in the season.  I keep going back to the OU/Nebraska clashes in the 80's, but even then, those two were perennially overrated, and the winner would usually get destroyed by Miami in the Orange Bowl.  I think you probably have to go back to the pre-scholly limit days to find a better matchup, and I can't remember back that far. 

So yeah- I think this is a game not to be missed.  Maybe it won't live up to the hype, but if it does... :wow:

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: CobbWebb on November 01, 2011, 02:51:01 EDT
I doubt that I will be watching much of bama/lsu. I think too much is being made out of that game. People are acting like it is a "game of the century". I say "a" because it seems that every two or three years there is a "game of the century". Those ESPN marketing guys know their stuff, huh?

Has football fallen that far? I see two very good teams but they aren't that good. Two damn good SEC teams in a year when there are few good teams around the country. Yes, I understand it is a big game, but in the grand scheme of things, this isn't any bigger than any other "big game". It might be special in that #1 and 2 are from the same conference and that is a rarity. But looking at both teams and comparing them to great teams of the past, well, they don't stack up, IMO.


Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: BanditVol on November 01, 2011, 04:00:59 EDT
Watching UT/MTSU (if its on in my area) and switching to LSU/bammer.  May record LSU/bammer simo and ff through parts of it later though.

I loathe both teams, but it is the SEC game of the year, no question.  It's what UT-Florida was in the late 90s and early this decade, only I don't think we were ever 1-2 in that one.

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: VinnieVOL on November 01, 2011, 04:44:42 EDT
I'm sure I will watch our game, but I will watch a lot of LSU/Bama too.  I'll be switching back and forth often.

It always feels odd watching home hames on tv, because I can count on one hand the number of home games I've missed since '94-'95.  I still can't match my Dad's home game attendance streak, though.

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: tnflower on November 01, 2011, 02:03:59 EDT
UT/MTSU. Will switch to LSU/Bama every now and then.

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: Jethro on November 01, 2011, 02:22:39 EDT
UT/MTSU. Will switch to LSU/Bama every now and then.

watch Bamar/LSU and hope for a meteor.  DVR MTSU-UT to watch later.

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: Ridge Runner on November 01, 2011, 10:19:29 EDT
I'll be switching back and forth. It's a shame one of the games isn't one one of the ESPN channels so I could watch one of them online on ESPN3 and another on TV.

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: Stogie Vol on November 02, 2011, 03:37:11 EDT
UT game as primary and Bama-LSU as secondary during breaks.

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: WoodstockVol on November 02, 2011, 03:39:23 EDT
UT/MTSU is on at roughly the same time as bammer/LSU.  If you're not going to be at our game in person, which game will you be watching?

I'll be watching Alabama-LSU. I'd root for the Taliban team if they were playing Alabama

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: RockinGrannyVol on November 02, 2011, 09:15:12 EDT
Well my decision has been solidified, except that I won't be able to watch the Vols because we don't have FSN channel....so I'll definitely be watching Bama/LSWho!

Title: Re: Be honest...
Post by: RON on November 04, 2011, 06:47:57 EDT
Probably both.