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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: PirateVOL on November 13, 2011, 03:50:37 EST

Title: We
Post by: PirateVOL on November 13, 2011, 03:50:37 EST

That was the worst defensive performance I've seen in a long, long time.  Difficult to find anything positive in the perfromance.
Offensively Worley didn't play all that bad but there were enough breakdowns to limit us.  We ran better than I thought we would but not effectively enough to help the young QB.

Sorry to be so negative tonight but there wasa lot to be negative about.

Title: Re: We
Post by: BigOrange Maniac on November 13, 2011, 03:59:03 EST
This is the lowest point I can remember as a UT fan. Maybe the 0-5 start in '88 was worse, but that's a foggy memory to me.

I didn't watch the game live. I DVR'd it and started watching it as the game went to the 4th quarter. I forwarded through most and hit the highlights until Arky went up 28-7 in the 3rd. It was apparent at that point that it was going to get very ugly.

On paper, this season won't be any worse than '05, really. We lost to Vandy then and went 5-6. But I am a whole lot closer to don't-give-a-crap now than I was in '05.

A 42-point loss to another SEC team is shameful, injuries or no injuries. Horrible defense, and the usual problems on offense.

And the 2nd half is just baffling to me. Tennessee has not scored a single 2nd half point in the last five games.  :frown: :sleep:

Title: Re: We
Post by: VinnieVOL on November 13, 2011, 04:05:20 EST
Just a dreadful showing in all phases.

Title: Re: We
Post by: PirateVOL on November 13, 2011, 04:10:05 EST
Just a dreadful showing in all phases.
Yeah, I forgot, our special teams rode the short bus to the stadium tonight

Title: Re: We
Post by: GreggO on November 13, 2011, 04:54:33 EST
When you're in this much misery, sometimes we lose site of the big picture; and that is how I've been this year until I heard a recent discussion of UT's program.

I live amougnst an Auburn family; they are so down-in-the-mouth about their team. I told my Dad they were down because of attrition, we're down because of instability and how that affects our ability to bring in tallant.

For this reason alone Dooley deserves 4 years. Three coaches in 3yrs, new AD. We don't have the tallant and it will take someone a few years to change and develop that. Despite some talk on the radio, we can't even afford about thinking of getting another coach. It's just where we are and that is that.

My pharmacist recommended Malox. Good stuff. :powert:

G.         I

Title: Re: We
Post by: LouisVOL on November 13, 2011, 09:21:40 EST
I am having trouble reconciling my disappointment since we are exactly where I thought we would be record wise.  I thought 6-6 given our schedule, and now I hope 6-6 given our remaining schedule.  I think my disappointment stems from the fact that we have not been competitive in several of the expected losses, and have frittered away chances to steal one along the way.  Also, I am really disappointed that we cannot run the ball, I talked myself into thinking that our OL would be more influenced by experience than by youth.  Obviously, losing our two best players on offense, and our best player on defense has an impact, but my biggest issue is that we are not improving at any position except LB (IMHO).  I don't recall the last time I stopped watching a UT game before the end, but I did last night. 

Title: Re: We
Post by: PirateVOL on November 14, 2011, 02:07:08 EST
I am having trouble reconciling my disappointment since we are exactly where I thought we would be record wise.  I thought 6-6 given our schedule, and now I hope 6-6 given our remaining schedule.  I think my disappointment stems from the fact that we have not been competitive in several of the expected losses, and have frittered away chances to steal one along the way.  Also, I am really disappointed that we cannot run the ball, I talked myself into thinking that our OL would be more influenced by experience than by youth.  Obviously, losing our two best players on offense, and our best player on defense has an impact, but my biggest issue is that we are not improving at any position except LB (IMHO).  I don't recall the last time I stopped watching a UT game before the end, but I did last night. 
I think that we have improved at WR, at least Arnett has and Dallas has improved his routes lately.  Randolph has really improved, as has Lanier in the secondary.  The rest, including Wagner at safety (not at CB) have regressed IMO.  Our LB group has improved, though AJ got caught out of position a few times last night. 

I think our LBs have a chance to be special next year with AJ moving to the middle and Lathers playing Will.  Maggitt is legit at Sam.  The secondary has a chance to be good but I'm not holding my breath and we need a lot more bodies than have committed on the DL. 

With Arnett's improvement and, if Hunter recovers fully, we will have three go to receivers next year for Bray with an improving Dallas to back them up.  If we get Patterson we will have a group of receivers worthy of WR U.  TE is looking good as well.  We need a top knotch RB, though I think Lane would be a step up from Poole for sure.  The OL needs to improve as there are far too many individual breakdowns for the unit to succeed.

Title: Re: We
Post by: GreggO on November 14, 2011, 03:10:37 EST
I always enjoy your analysis, friend. Kinda' nice, like being up on Cripple Creek. Plus, I don't have to read John Adams!



I think that we have improved at WR, at least Arnett has and Dallas has improved his routes lately.  Randolph has really improved, as has Lanier in the secondary.  The rest, including Wagner at safety (not at CB) have regressed IMO.  Our LB group has improved, though AJ got caught out of position a few times last night. 

I think our LBs have a chance to be special next year with AJ moving to the middle and Lathers playing Will.  Maggitt is legit at Sam.  The secondary has a chance to be good but I'm not holding my breath and we need a lot more bodies than have committed on the DL. 
With Arnett's improvement and, if Hunter recovers fully, we will have three go to receivers next year for Bray with an improving Dallas to back them up.  If we get Patterson we will have a group of receivers worthy of WR U.  TE is looking good as well.  We need a top knotch RB, though I think Lane would be a step up from Poole for sure.  The OL needs to improve as there are far too many individual breakdowns for the unit to succeed.