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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: BanditVol on November 14, 2011, 06:18:43 EST

Title: Worst play of the game last night (and there were MANY)
Post by: BanditVol on November 14, 2011, 06:18:43 EST
We give up the long TD pass IMMEDIATELY after failing to convert the 4th and short at our own 40. 

Um, didn't bammer do exactly that same thing to us a few weeks ago?   :frown:  My God, did no one on the coaching staff or team figure that one out? Really?  Jesus H Christ!

That's beyond bad, it's simply ridiculously stupid.

I actually think that the decision to go for it was questionable anyway, not only in this game, but in the bammer game.

More to say  on that later.  Going to bed now.  Just got back from Fayetteville and Tunica.  :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

Title: Re: Worst play of the game last night (and there were MANY)
Post by: BigOrange Maniac on November 14, 2011, 06:22:57 EST
I'm pretty sure the coaching staff knew Arkansas would go for the jugular on that play. That's SOP for most teams. I saw it as more of a matter of poor execution by our defense.

IMO, the worst play of the night was the fake field goal on 4th and 13 on the first drive. I mean, seriously? 4th and 13? I like Dooley's willingness to gamble at times, and I would've been all for it if it were 4th & 5 or 6. But 4th & 13? What's the chances of successfully converting that fake? Roughly the same as being struck by lightning? I thought that was the dumbest move I've seen by our staff all season. You've moved into scoring position and have the opportunity to grab some early momentum with a field goal (never a sure thing with our special teams, of course) and you pull that out of your bag of tricks...

Title: Re: Worst play of the game last night (and there were MANY)
Post by: VinnieVOL on November 14, 2011, 02:30:15 EST
Yeah, I disagreed with both calls too.  I understand that when your an underdog you have to take chances but you still have to be smart about it. 

When you've got a chance to take an early lead on the road, you try and get points plain and simple.

And I understand our punter isn't setting the world on fire but neither is our offense.  Should've punted the ball.