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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: BanditVol on November 14, 2011, 08:41:33 EST

Title: This game was closer than the final score
Post by: BanditVol on November 14, 2011, 08:41:33 EST
Oh wait.  No, not really.   :frown:

It SHOULD, ABSOLUTLEY SHOULD, have been closer.

1.  Why are we going for a fake FG on 4th and 13 with the score tied 0-0 and we just having sliced through their D like hot butter?  Unreal.  More on this later.

2. What is the point of going for it on 4th and short down, what, two TDs, or was it three on OUR OWN FORTY?  We did this vs. bammer down only a TD and it didn't work then either.  But to THEN give up the TD pass on the first play after?  Simply ridiculous!

3. Tackle the punt returner for chrisakes.  PERIOD.   :frown:

4.  Tackle the RB when you have him behind the LOS.  FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!   :frown: :frown: :frown: :hurl:

5.  SCORE WHEN YOU HAVE THE CHANCE, DAMMIT!  While being aggressive can be commendable, take points when you have them!  Arkansas has a kind of soft D.  Our staff should have noticed that.  Take the 3, and if momentum is with you and the players don't quit, you will have more opportunites at the 6 pointers.  It's called CONFIDENCE!

In short, I saw 3 easy TDs that never should have happened and at least two scoring opportunities blown. I expected us to lose by 2-3 TDs, and from what I saw, that's what SHOULD have happened.  We flat gave up.  No excuse for that.  None whatever.  This coaching staff better learn how to light  a fire under this players really quickly, or they might be gone after next year.