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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: RockinGrannyVol on January 03, 2012, 05:13:11 EST

Title: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: RockinGrannyVol on January 03, 2012, 05:13:11 EST
Our cousin, only 65 years old, had a heart valve replaced in september....she never regained health/strength after that surgery.  Last Saturday she had a heart attack and she is currently in surgery -- open heart surgery for a 100% blockage -- that wasn't blocked when they did the valve replacement.  Anyway, she is already weak and I am scared of this surgery today.  Please keep Barbara in your thoughts and prayers as she undergoes this 2nd major surgery.  Thanks friends!

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: VinnieVOL on January 03, 2012, 05:14:20 EST
Prayers sent, Granny!

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: EmerilVOL on January 03, 2012, 05:14:37 EST
Our cousin, only 65 years old, had a heart valve replaced in september....she never regained health/strength after that surgery.  Last Saturday she had a heart attack and she is currently in surgery -- open heart surgery for a 100% blockage -- that wasn't blocked when they did the valve replacement.  Anyway, she is already weak and I am scared of this surgery today.  Please keep Barbara in your thoughts and prayers as she undergoes this 2nd major surgery.  Thanks friends!

Granny you have them

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: GreggO on January 03, 2012, 05:15:50 EST
Done. Keep us posted.   :angel:

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: Stogie Vol on January 03, 2012, 05:37:16 EST

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: Inspector Vol on January 03, 2012, 05:39:22 EST
Prayers sent and best wishes that this will allow her to regain her full health.

Title: Done, and we hope the best for her.
Post by: midtnvol on January 03, 2012, 07:04:50 EST

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...Update
Post by: RockinGrannyVol on January 03, 2012, 09:08:24 EST
Update....she came through sugery and is now in ICU -- thanks for the prayers

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: ReVOLver on January 03, 2012, 09:43:18 EST
You have them.

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...Update
Post by: PirateVOL on January 04, 2012, 01:22:58 EST
Update....she came through sugery and is now in ICU -- thanks for the prayers
She's got mine Becky

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: Oldvol75 on January 04, 2012, 02:13:47 EST
Prayers sent!

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: tnflower on January 04, 2012, 01:52:51 EST
Prayers sent.

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: RockinGrannyVol on January 05, 2012, 04:23:48 EST
Another update on Barbara.    They did 2 bypasses...both doctors said they rarely see this situation because normally the patient dies before they get to them.   She is doing great today, laughing and cracking jokes once they took the breathing tube out.   This is most likely why she never recovered from the valve replacement.   Doctors showed the family the pictures from Sept and this week....even they could see where the blockages were now, compared to Sept.    Very strange why the blockages occurred so quickly.  We are so thankful for all the thoughts and prayers.   She still has a long way to go, but all signs say she's on her way!

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: Quasi EVol on January 05, 2012, 06:05:22 EST
Another update on Barbara.    They did 2 bypasses...both doctors said they rarely see this situation because normally the patient dies before they get to them.   She is doing great today, laughing and cracking jokes once they took the breathing tube out.   This is most likely why she never recovered from the valve replacement.   Doctors showed the family the pictures from Sept and this week....even they could see where the blockages were now, compared to Sept.    Very strange why the blockages occurred so quickly.  We are so thankful for all the thoughts and prayers.   She still has a long way to go, but all signs say she's on her way!

Wow that's amazingly good news - Sorry it got so bad for her.

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: tnflower on January 05, 2012, 02:51:35 EST
Great news Granny.  :clap:

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: GreggO on January 05, 2012, 03:46:26 EST
Another update on Barbara.    They did 2 bypasses...both doctors said they rarely see this situation because normally the patient dies before they get to them.   She is doing great today, laughing and cracking jokes once they took the breathing tube out.   This is most likely why she never recovered from the valve replacement.   Doctors showed the family the pictures from Sept and this week....even they could see where the blockages were now, compared to Sept.    Very strange why the blockages occurred so quickly.  We are so thankful for all the thoughts and prayers.   She still has a long way to go, but all signs say she's on her way!

Well, that's just fantastic! She probably had some clotting issues after the first surgery, but now she's gonna be feeling great real soon. Keep her coughing to make sure the chest stays clear (PAINFUL after having your chest cracked open) and get up and start walking as soon as they allow. The more time in bed, the weaker the patient becomes; just don't over do it!

I wish I had made time to observe an open-heart when I worked in cardiac rehab, but I never could wipe a full day off my calander to do so. While I have observed multiple autopsies, I never observed a live human opened up and that would have been truly interesting to watch.


Title: Re: Urgent prayer request...
Post by: Jethro on January 05, 2012, 09:48:52 EST
Well, that's just fantastic! She probably had some clotting issues after the first surgery, but now she's gonna be feeling great real soon. Keep her coughing to make sure the chest stays clear (PAINFUL after having your chest cracked open) and get up and start walking as soon as they allow. The more time in bed, the weaker the patient becomes; just don't over do it!

I wish I had made time to observe an open-heart when I worked in cardiac rehab, but I never could wipe a full day off my calander to do so. While I have observed multiple autopsies, I never observed a live human opened up and that would have been truly interesting to watch.


The key is to make sure you don't drop a Junior Mint into the surgical hole.   :wink: