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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: tnflower on January 28, 2012, 12:05:09 EST

Title: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: tnflower on January 28, 2012, 12:05:09 EST
Last week I had an angiogram done for carotid arteries, the sonargram says 60-79 percent blockage and the angio would determine the exact number.
Good news, the angio shows less than 30% blockage of carotid arteries. Bad news, they found a brain anurysm. I've got an app with a Neurosurgeon Monday at 10:00 AM.
As some of you might remember, my sister passed away on the operating table during an anurysum repair.  Sure could use some prayers boys and girls.

Title: You got 'em...
Post by: midtnvol on January 28, 2012, 12:49:41 EST
Just do what they tell you and you will be fine....I promise :thumbup:.

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: RockinGrannyVol on January 28, 2012, 01:10:14 EST
You got it Sistah!    keep us updated and know that we love you so much!

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: Screaming Eagle Dad on January 28, 2012, 03:22:02 EST
Consider it done!

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: VinnieVOL on January 28, 2012, 03:50:53 EST
Prayers sent, Iris.

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: VoLynteer on January 28, 2012, 04:02:17 EST
Iris - my mother has had surgery on her carotid artery twice. Trust in your doctors.  I work with a woman in her early 40's that had a brain anerysum burst 3 months ago. The MRI she had last week shows complete recovery.  Trust in your doctors - God will guide them. You have my prayers and anything else you need. I love you.

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: PirateVOL on January 28, 2012, 04:06:07 EST
Last week I had an angiogram done for carotid arteries, the sonargram says 60-79 percent blockage and the angio would determine the exact number.
Good news, the angio shows less than 30% blockage of carotid arteries. Bad news, they found a brain anurysm. I've got an app with a Neurosurgeon Monday at 10:00 AM.
As some of you might remember, my sister passed away on the operating table during an anurysum repair.  Sure could use some prayers boys and girls.
For sure you got them Iris!

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: Quasi EVol on January 28, 2012, 05:24:33 EST
Wow.  Sorry they found so much wrong but glad they found it all now rather than later.  Please get well soon.

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: ReVOLver on January 28, 2012, 05:33:43 EST
It is much better to know about it while you are still able to tell us about it than it would be after you are gone. That's good news and means they can fix it. We love you, Iris.

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: Volznut on January 28, 2012, 06:29:53 EST
Last week I had an angiogram done for carotid arteries, the sonargram says 60-79 percent blockage and the angio would determine the exact number.
Good news, the angio shows less than 30% blockage of carotid arteries. Bad news, they found a brain anurysm. I've got an app with a Neurosurgeon Monday at 10:00 AM.
As some of you might remember, my sister passed away on the operating table during an anurysum repair.  Sure could use some prayers boys and girls.

Best of luck and you will be fine.

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: Orange Rampage on January 28, 2012, 11:07:23 EST
Prayers sent

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: Inspector Vol on January 28, 2012, 12:37:37 EST
Prayers and best wishes for you and your family.

Title: Prayers sent and all the hugs I can find...I love you Iris and ........
Post by: Barbivol on January 28, 2012, 04:21:39 EST
hope you will be well soon.....!  Let us know how you are getting along....will be waiting for the news!

 :angel: :hi5: :kiss2:  :smile:

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: GreggO on January 28, 2012, 06:18:50 EST

Well, I'm sure that is quite unnerving to say the least. That's one thing I haven't had.......yet. Just keep up your faith and you will be fine, for sure.  

I've found that the more relaxed I keep myself, the better I feel. If that means finding a distraction, reading, working, well then whatever. I don't do well when I ponder too much. But, one thing I do know is that for all of the times I've been in the hospital I've always walked outta there just fine (albeit with a new scar).

I'm sure you will be fine, but for your comfort please remember that there are a lot of friends that are praying for you, Iris. Keep us posted, honey.


Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: Stogie Vol on January 29, 2012, 03:40:24 EST
Prayers sent.

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: EmerilVOL on January 29, 2012, 04:01:38 EST
Last week I had an angiogram done for carotid arteries, the sonargram says 60-79 percent blockage and the angio would determine the exact number.
Good news, the angio shows less than 30% blockage of carotid arteries. Bad news, they found a brain anurysm. I've got an app with a Neurosurgeon Monday at 10:00 AM.
As some of you might remember, my sister passed away on the operating table during an anurysum repair.  Sure could use some prayers boys and girls.

Get well soon or I will be forced to come down and tailgate on your lawn for about a week!! 

Oh wait would that be bad????  :dunno:

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: Great Vols of Fire on January 29, 2012, 06:45:31 EST
You have definitely got my prayers, Iris.  While the news wasn't so good, how fortunate you are that they found it when they did.  Please keep us all posted.

Title: I pray everything goes well for you. We'll help you stay positive, anytime
Post by: volsboy on January 29, 2012, 11:31:32 EST
you start feeling down just ring up the old vttw buddies. We will be there.

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: droner on January 30, 2012, 01:05:52 EST
Prayers for you Iris. You're tough enough to get through this.

Title: Re: Good news, bad news.......
Post by: BanditVol on January 30, 2012, 04:26:31 EST
You definitely have my prayers and those of my church.