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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: volsboy on February 13, 2012, 04:34:47 EST

Title: Whitney Houston's death.......
Post by: volsboy on February 13, 2012, 04:34:47 EST
Yes America has lost a beloved and talented singer. However, no one held her down and made her take that first hit of crack. I feel sad for those she left behind, however she is no better than any other addict that shortens their life by going this route. I do not feel sorry for her because she made the choice to use crack the first time. Don't tell me addoction is a disease. There is no illness if you choose not to use. Thousands of non-famous die this way every year and she is no better than they were. I choose not to honor those like her who dishonor themselves by become addicts.

Title: Re: Whitney Houston's death.......
Post by: RockinGrannyVol on February 13, 2012, 03:08:47 EST
Yes America has lost a beloved and talented singer. However, no one held her down and made her take that first hit of crack. I feel sad for those she left behind, however she is no better than any other addict that shortens their life by going this route. I do not feel sorry for her because she made the choice to use crack the first time. Don't tell me addoction is a disease. There is no illness if you choose not to use. Thousands of non-famous die this way every year and she is no better than they were. I choose not to honor those like her who dishonor themselves by become addicts.

Addiction is a disease...there are genetics that make a person more susceptible to becoming addicted.....many have learned to live with this and make their lives better.....some can't pull out of it.   One thing I know for sure, there is no quick fix, and so many times, these stars that have issues think they can go in for 30 days and be cured.   They are never cured and it takes long term treatment for these folks to learn to live with their susceptibility to addiction and learn to live their lives drug/alcohol/whatever free.     We have lived this in our family -- to the same end as Whitney -- and now, to a  hope for a successful ending.   Please don't be so judgemental on a subject it seems you don't fully understand...if you haven't lived it, you cannot understand it.  

As for Whitney, we've lose, IMO, one of the best voices ever!  She was amazing!

Title: Re: Whitney Houston's death.......
Post by: Ridge Runner on February 13, 2012, 04:00:08 EST
Crack is whack!!!

Title: Re: Whitney Houston's death.......
Post by: VinnieVOL on February 13, 2012, 04:21:15 EST
Gotta agree with Granny here.  Some cane take it or leave it, while some are totally hooked after using once.  While it is a choice, it's not as easy as "just stop" for some people. 

In a way I know it was her choice, but in another way I still have pity for the situation.

Title: Re: Whitney Houston's death.......
Post by: Screaming Eagle Dad on February 13, 2012, 05:09:24 EST
The prick who started her down that road is still alive. Bobby Brown, I hope he can live with himself for sending her down that road to begin with.

Title: Re: Whitney Houston's death.......
Post by: Volznut on February 13, 2012, 05:15:20 EST
Looks like she was found with some prescription pills and alcohol. She apparently passed out in her bathtub.