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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: midtnvol on September 08, 2012, 12:28:52 EDT

Title: No love for Peyton...
Post by: midtnvol on September 08, 2012, 12:28:52 EDT
at least from Jason Whitlock... http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/peyton-manning-nfl-media-hype-not-greatest-quarterback-qb-tom-brady-joe-montana-john-elway-090712

Title: Re: No love for Peyton...
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on September 08, 2012, 01:25:02 EDT
Coming from one of the media's biggest morons, I'd take that as a compliment.  :frown:

 Actually, I can see Montana being the best ever.  He's still the only QB who, upon your team scoring to take the lead on the Niners with 1:30 to go, you still knew beyond the shadow of a doubt was going to drive down the field and beat you.  No QB before or since scared me like that.  Not Brady, not Elway, nobody.  But I would still rate Manning a solid second.  He's better than Brady, and MUCH better than Elway.

As for his critique of Breaking Bad, all I can do is laugh.  I watch(ed) all of the other shows he says are better, and none are even in the same ballpark. 

Title: Re: No love for Peyton...
Post by: Navol on September 08, 2012, 01:29:16 EDT
What did Peyton ever do to that fathead? That's at least the second disparaging column on Peyton that he's barfed out .

Title: Re: No love for Peyton...
Post by: BanditVol on September 08, 2012, 01:30:00 EDT
at least from Jason Whitlock... http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/peyton-manning-nfl-media-hype-not-greatest-quarterback-qb-tom-brady-joe-montana-john-elway-090712

Jason Whitlock is the most overated sportswriter of all time.   :laugh:

I usually don't even bother to read crap like this, but since I did, he's dead wrong that Peyton has no chance to break Marino's records.  If he stays healthy - admittedly a big if - he has a great chance of setting several career records.

As for struggling in the postseason, it's Whiltock who is living in the past, which is  frequent problem with Peyton's record.  Peyton won one Super Bowl and made it to another.  Where is the struggle?

And he has a pretty good chance of winning one at Denver.  Denver is a solid organization with a good tradition and they know how to build winning football team.

It may be a reach that Peyton wins one this year, but - again if h stays healthy - IMO he has 3-4 good years left.

Title: Re: No love for Peyton...
Post by: VOLveeta on September 08, 2012, 03:03:30 EDT
It's all about "hits" and "comments".  It's getting to a point where sports "news" is as blatantly manufactured as is Cable news shows.

Title: Re: No love for Peyton...
Post by: Stogie Vol on September 08, 2012, 05:38:11 EDT
Professional troll