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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: TheRealOrange on December 07, 2012, 09:11:01 EST

Title: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: TheRealOrange on December 07, 2012, 09:11:01 EST

...has that "Pearl" quality I have been saying is needed for this program.  If he can transpate that into wins,...  I am actually looking forward to seeing his product on the field.  He certainly blows Dooley and Kiffin both out of the water as far as personality, passion, drive, etc. IMO.   :thumbup:

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: WoodstockVol on December 07, 2012, 09:12:11 EST
...has that "Pearl" quality I have been saying is needed for this program.  If he can transpate that into wins,...  I am actually looking forward to seeing his product on the field.  He certainly blows Dooley and Kiffin both out of the water as far as personality, passion, drive, etc. IMO.   :thumbup:

I was very impressed,I think Tennessee may have found a diamond in the rough

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: murfvol on December 07, 2012, 09:16:40 EST
I say this as nicely as possible. I hope Jones destroys every other team while he's at UT. That having been said I've heard a lot of good speeches. Houston Nutt was a master of them (in a very unpolished kind of way)

I sat through a ton of nice speeches in meetings this week. The proof is in the pudding. Most people know what they should do, they're just not great at doing it.

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: FranklinVol on December 07, 2012, 09:17:23 EST
The presser was irrelevant to me.  I'm in full on show me mode.  BUT, do agree he was likeable.  He also seemed like the knida guy that would insist on physical play and discipline.... Maybe it was the throwback haircut.

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: UTnbama on December 07, 2012, 09:17:33 EST
Talk about having the right answers, and genuine to boot! I'm on board and all in. Very impressed with CBJ, and tell ya what, he's going to be impressive on the recruiting trail.

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: RipleyVol12 on December 07, 2012, 09:17:57 EST
Grant he wasn't our first choice and.I wad upset with his being chosen but the more he speaks the more I like. I think he will be ok now.

GO LYLE "BUTCH" JONES!!!   :powert:

GO VOLS!   :powert:

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: WoodstockVol on December 07, 2012, 09:22:21 EST
Talk about having the right answers, and genuine to boot! I'm on board and all in. Very impressed with CBJ, and tell ya what, he's going to be impressive on the recruiting trail.

I like it that Tennessee will be going back to the four man front on defense

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: TheRealOrange on December 07, 2012, 09:23:01 EST
I say this as nicely as possible. I hope Jones destroys every other team while he's at UT. That having been said I've heard a lot of good speeches. Houston Nutt was a master of them (in a very unpolished kind of way)

I sat through a ton of nice speeches in meetings this week. The proof is in the pudding. Most people know what they should do, they're just not great at doing it.

Absolutely!  That's why I said "if he can translate that into wins."  But it sure helps to have that passion and drive.  Plus, I liked the discipline and physical football references.  I'd love to see that.

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: Ridge Runner on December 07, 2012, 09:26:15 EST
I like it that Tennessee will be going back to the four man front on defense

Well, he better get to recruiting then. We don't have enough decent DL to fill out a 3 man line, much less a 4.

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: FranklinVol on December 07, 2012, 09:28:31 EST
Oh we got a few..they just have vertigo from being dropped out in space and asked 2 play jack linebacker.. Lol

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: Ridge Runner on December 07, 2012, 09:30:47 EST
Oh we got a few..they just have vertigo from being dropped out in space and asked 2 play jack linebacker.. Lol

That's true. a few guys we had playing OLB could go back to DE.

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: PirateVOL on December 07, 2012, 09:33:49 EST
That's true. a few guys we had playing OLB could go back to DE.
Most of those we had playing OLB were DEs and were playing DE most of the year.  We really played a 4/5 man front except when we were in the dime package all year.  Non Dime package 3 man front plays you probably don't need your shoes off to count.

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: Volznut on December 07, 2012, 09:37:46 EST
Needs to recruit his own team first. Don't need a lot of transfers and players leaving

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: SmokeyJoe on December 07, 2012, 09:50:37 EST
...has that "Pearl" quality I have been saying is needed for this program.  If he can transpate that into wins,...  I am actually looking forward to seeing his product on the field.  He certainly blows Dooley and Kiffin both out of the water as far as personality, passion, drive, etc. IMO.   :thumbup:

I didn't see it but will later. Good news! I trust your level headed observation. :thumbup:

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: TheRealOrange on December 07, 2012, 10:05:00 EST
Needs to recruit his own team first. Don't need a lot of transfers and players leaving

Based on what he said, it sounds like he hit it off well with the players or thought he did (1:30 p.m. meeting) and he recruited quite a few of them while he was at Cincy. 

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: Stogie Vol on December 07, 2012, 10:05:06 EST
I was impressed with him based on the press conference not because he was eloquent of speech, because I don't think he was particularly. He came across as genuine and excited to be a Vol, though...and very confident.  To me, he's a dang football coach, not a lawyer attempting to be one.

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: TheRealOrange on December 07, 2012, 10:10:54 EST

Just to be clear on my intent, I was impressed with the man's passion, personality, apparent drive, etc.  He still has a lot of work to do and a lot of "proving it" to do on the field.  That's really what matters.  But, I think he has some qualities very similar to those that drew fans to Bruce Pearl.  If he can get that fan interest peaked and win on the field, then....

Title: Re: Ok, color me impressed. This guy...
Post by: BanditVol on December 08, 2012, 12:01:24 EST
 To me, he's a dang football coach, not a lawyer attempting to be one.

Boom!  Dooley from the very first, deliberate use of the word "britches" struck me as someone trying to cultivate an image.   Deinitley "lawyer-like".  And throughout his tenure he kind of acted like a politician to my POV.

I didn't see the presser yet but heard a good deal of it on the radio, and while it's clear that Butch has carefully rehearsed many of his answers, they also sounded genuine and from the heart.  I never got that with Dooley. More like cold and crafted.

It's a definite step up, whether that says much remains to be seen, but I am pretty happy today.   :clap: