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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: Screaming Eagle Dad on October 22, 2013, 04:37:53 EDT

Title: Mo Couch...
Post by: Screaming Eagle Dad on October 22, 2013, 04:37:53 EDT
Heard a rumor that Mo Couch may be cleared to play by mid week this wee or early next week. Anybody heard anything?

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on October 22, 2013, 05:01:57 EDT
It's my understanding that it hinges on his paying the money back, which he hadn't been able to do yet. 

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: Creek Walker on October 22, 2013, 05:56:29 EDT
It's my understanding that it hinges on his paying the money back, which he hadn't been able to do yet. 

Can we get TRO to put a Paypal plugin on the site? We can all donate a few dollars and cover his costs.  :naughty: :dance:

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on October 22, 2013, 06:26:32 EDT
Can we get TRO to put a Paypal plugin on the site? We can all donate a few dollars and cover his costs.  :naughty: :dance:

Hmmmmm.  Not sure the NCAA would go for that one.   :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: Creek Walker on October 22, 2013, 06:31:00 EDT
Hmmmmm.  Not sure the NCAA would go for that one.   :rolleyes:

We need a tongue-in-cheek emoticon since my use of  :naughty: and  :dance: didn't convey my point.  :laugh:

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on October 22, 2013, 08:06:07 EDT
We need a tongue-in-cheek emoticon since my use of  :naughty: and  :dance: didn't convey my point.  :laugh:

Nah.  Got the point.  Just sayin' ...........

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: Hollerboy on October 22, 2013, 09:20:33 EDT
Personally...I dont want him back.  He cheated and put our program in danger (we are still on probatioin).  I dont care to hear about how he is married and needed money.....there are other ways of getting help without taking money from an agent. I dont care if we need him to win....would rather lose than put up with that crap.  Good riddance, I say.  JMO

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: Clockwork Orange on October 22, 2013, 09:33:05 EDT
Personally...I dont want him back.  He cheated and put our program in danger (we are still on probatioin).  I dont care to hear about how he is married and needed money.....there are other ways of getting help without taking money from an agent. I dont care if we need him to win....would rather lose than put up with that crap.  Good riddance, I say.  JMO

The guy made a mistake just trying to get by. And now he's doing right by his kid and being a father. He wasn't exactly playing for a supportive coach at the time and maybe felt he had nobody to turn to.

I'm not for giving up on someone for making a mistake. By all accounts he is a good, hard-working young man.

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: Hollerboy on October 22, 2013, 09:51:12 EDT
The guy made a mistake just trying to get by. And now he's doing right by his kid and being a father. He wasn't exactly playing for a supportive coach at the time and maybe felt he had nobody to turn to.

I'm not for giving up on someone for making a mistake. By all accounts he is a good, hard-working young man.
I guess I am a hard-arse....but I dont buy it. Rules are rules and there are ways to make ends meet without putting us in jeopardy.  I work hard too but I dont violate our conflict of interest policy by doing things that I could make extra money doing.  I need the money as well but I follow the rules.  Like I said, I guess I am a hard-arse. 

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: Clockwork Orange on October 22, 2013, 09:55:02 EDT
I guess I am a hard-arse....but I dont buy it. Rules are rules and there are ways to make ends meet without putting us in jeopardy.  I work hard too but I dont violate our conflict of interest policy by doing things that I could make extra money doing.  I need the money as well but I follow the rules.  Like I said, I guess I am a hard-arse. 

That's easy for you to say as a grown man. Kids make mistakes (hell, conceiving his child was a "mistake" too I'm sure, but he's making the best of that). If you never give them a second chance and the opportunity to do better, where do you think they end up as adults?

Title: Re: Mo Couch...
Post by: Screaming Eagle Dad on October 23, 2013, 03:35:57 EDT
Let me just say this, If I was in Mo's situation I would ahve had a hard time myself turnign down the money. What dad does not want to provide for their child? Good grief, Tee Martin had a child while he was in school that nobody knew about, for all we know he coulde ahve been involved with money too but we will never know. Couch felt like he was backed into a corner I'm sure and as CO said, he probably felt that he had nowhere else to turn. Everybody and his brother was all over Jamal Lewis and his mischief in high school but was real quick to forget once he started setting the world on fire on the field.
Mo Couch may or may not have played his last down for the Vols and I'm sure he feels/felt like crap for what he did, but in the end he did what he had to do to provide for his kid. I'm sure the players would welcome him back and to be honest about it, if he does come back, I'd walk up to him, shake his hand and tell him welcome back.  It's not like he went out and robbed a store at gun point or was caught with a gun in a car with the serial numbers filed off or anything like that.