VTTW Board Index

Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: murfvol on November 10, 2013, 04:03:00 EST

Title: Two Rehashed Statements of the Obvious
Post by: murfvol on November 10, 2013, 04:03:00 EST
1) We are really slow on defense. Really slow.

2) If you're going to play piped-in music instead of using the band, at least play something recruits like. Apparently I'm a man given I am 40. I remember when "Paradise City" came out. That was years before any of these guys were born. Ditto for "Rock Me Like a Hurricane", which wasn't that great to start with. I've spent a small fortune seeing and purchasing the work of hard rockin' 80s bands. That doesn't speak to recruits. "Thunderstruck" might be awesome, but it's stupid to play.

Thank you. VTTW's official curmudgeon will now go back to madly cheering for LSU.