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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: VinnieVOL on January 03, 2014, 06:32:47 EST

Title: Droner, Herb...
Post by: VinnieVOL on January 03, 2014, 06:32:47 EST
I want to know how much you REALLY hate Tiglets.  Surely, surely you cannot root for Urban and his band of merry thugs.    :crazy:

Title: Re: droner, Herb...
Post by: droner on January 03, 2014, 06:35:35 EST
The obvious answer is that I'm pulling for the largest meteor in history.

However, as a charter member of the ABC Club (Anybody But Clemson), I'll be pulling for Ohio State.  :hurl:

Title: Re: droner, Herb...
Post by: BanditVol on January 03, 2014, 06:43:29 EST
The obvious answer is that I'm pulling for the largest meteor in history.

However, as a charter member of the ABC Club (Anybody But Clemson), I'll be pulling for Ohio State.  :hurl:

I can't blame you.  I feel the same about bammer.

Title: Re: droner, Herb...
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on January 03, 2014, 03:33:45 EST
The obvious answer is that I'm pulling for the largest meteor in history.


This.  Plus I hope a category 5 hurricane out of nowhere follows said meteor. 

Title: Re: droner, Herb...
Post by: PirateVOL on January 03, 2014, 03:43:21 EST
This.  Plus I hope a category 5 SNOW hurricane out of nowhere follows said meteor. 

Title: Re: droner, Herb...
Post by: Clockwork Orange on January 03, 2014, 03:52:50 EST


Title: Re: droner, Herb...
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on January 03, 2014, 03:55:15 EST

I smell another SyFy channel classic.  Maybe a sharknado will hit Miami tonight. :dance:

Title: Re: droner, Herb...
Post by: VinnieVOL on January 03, 2014, 06:09:05 EST
The obvious answer is that I'm pulling for the largest meteor in history.

However, as a charter member of the ABC Club (Anybody But Clemson), I'll be pulling for Ohio State.  :hurl:

Wow, you must REALLY hate Clemson.

Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: Stogie Vol on January 03, 2014, 07:05:55 EST
I would love to see a massive drubbing of Ohio State tonight.

Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: Creek Walker on January 03, 2014, 07:23:16 EST
I would love to see a massive drubbing of Ohio State tonight.

If Clemson won 50-0, I would be thrilled.  :dude:

Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: VinnieVOL on January 03, 2014, 09:06:48 EST
If Clemson won 50-0, I would be thrilled.  :dude:


Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: volsboy on January 03, 2014, 09:34:05 EST
All I can say is two teams I despise. Too bad it can't end in a tie. I gave Clemson a reprise in early eighties, a high school teammate of mine played point guard for them, Marc Campbell, '80-'84. I resumed despising them when he graduated.

Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on January 03, 2014, 10:10:00 EST
All I can say is two teams I despise. Too bad it can't end in a tie. I gave Clemson a reprise in early eighties, a high school teammate of mine played point guard for them, Marc Campbell, '80-'84. I resumed despising them when he graduated.

One of my college baseball team mates, who has been a good friend ever since those fun days of college, has a son who started at third base for the Tiglets for 3 years.  He was drafted a couple of years ago and is now in pro ball. 

While my good friend's son was playing there I still hated, despised, and loathed the rat bastard Tiglets as much as I ever did.   :naughty:

Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: 73Volgrad on January 03, 2014, 10:22:27 EST
I cannot with a good conscience root for either team. Although I dislike Ohio State more, I cannot pull for a team that hires a man named Dabo. I hope they play to a tie and the lights fail so there can be no overtime.

Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: CornFromAJar on January 04, 2014, 02:43:34 EST
Barring the meteor/hurricane combo, how about a freak lightning strike?  :naughty:

Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on January 04, 2014, 03:45:20 EST
Our boy Vonn Bell needs some butter, because he's getting toasted. :dielaughing:

Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: BanditVol on January 05, 2014, 09:09:03 EST
Our boy Vonn Bell needs some butter, because he's getting toasted. :dielaughing:

Yes, he played rather poorly.  Heck, he could have done that for us.  Would have fit right in.   :naughty:

Title: Re: Droner, Herb...
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on January 06, 2014, 12:28:40 EST
Barring the meteor/hurricane combo, how about a freak lightning strike?  :naughty:

Followed up by man eating locusts.