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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: BanditVol on January 15, 2014, 04:43:33 EST

Title: I always kind of thought Lane Kiffin was brought in to USC to take the fall
Post by: BanditVol on January 15, 2014, 04:43:33 EST
They needed a scapegoat to take the heat for sanctions. 

I'm not saying this is a fact, not even saying that I strongly believe it...it's just a theory.

But I could see Saban using Lane in the same way.   He knows a rough year or two (by bammer's recent standards) is probably coming up and he is unsure how it will go.  There are solid reasons, on paper, to hire Lane.  Saban's stated reason is what "everyone says"...that Lane is a better OC than HC (but not his last two years at USC!, but I digress).

So while I think Saban DOES think Kiffin is a good OC, he also is setting him up.

Just MO...but I do like the idea of Lane as a professional fallguy and scapegoat.  It suits him so well.... :naughty:

Title: Re: I always kind of thought Lane Kiffin was brought in to USC to take the fall
Post by: Screaming Eagle Dad on January 15, 2014, 03:04:46 EST
I respectfully disagree. Why in the world would Saban, a guy who is paid to win, and a guy who has a proven track record as a winning coach set someone up as a fall guy? A bad year for Saban would be a 3 loss year. Bama fans heads would explode with that, the unrealistic would at the very least.

Title: Re: I always kind of thought Lane Kiffin was brought in to USC to take the fall
Post by: Creek Walker on January 15, 2014, 03:35:58 EST
I respectfully disagree. Why in the world would Saban, a guy who is paid to win, and a guy who has a proven track record as a winning coach sett someone up as a fall guy? A bad year for Saban would be a 3 loss year. Bama fans heads would explode with that, the unrealistic would at the very least.


If Saban sees the tide turning, he's probably going to go out and hire an OC who can help him win, not one who he thinks will help him lose.  :dunno:

Title: Re: I always kind of thought Lane Kiffin was brought in to USC to take the fall
Post by: BanditVol on January 15, 2014, 06:36:45 EST
Just saying that Kiffin looks like a fall guy to me.  How did it work for him at USC?

It's not really a serious proposition, just something fun to think about.

Anyone wanna bet $10000 that bammer doesn't win the MNC next year?   :naughty:

Title: Re: I always kind of thought Lane Kiffin was brought in to USC to take the fall
Post by: BGHarper on January 15, 2014, 07:42:36 EST
I respectfully disagree. Why in the world would Saban, a guy who is paid to win, and a guy who has a proven track record as a winning coach sett someone up as a fall guy? A bad year for Saban would be a 3 loss year. Bama fans heads would explode with that, the unrealistic would at the very least.

Thanks Dad and Creek. Yall said it all.


Title: Re: I always kind of thought Lane Kiffin was brought in to USC to take the fall
Post by: BanditVol on January 16, 2014, 04:34:40 EST

Thanks Dad and Creek. Yall said it all.


Well I'm going to go strongly on record as saying it's an idiotic hire.   :naughty:

Some people seem to think Saban is some kind of genius.  As has OFTEN been said on this very site "it ain't rocket science".  My opinion on Saban is this...he practices a fundamental brand of football that exercises focus and execution.  His players are focused and disciplined.  He rules mostly through fear and intimidation, so far as I can tell, but what the hell, it works?  But the biggest key to his success IMO, at bammer, is the enormous pile of talent he has accumulated. One that is far in excess of anything seen.  Maybe Carroll at USCw circa 2005 comes close, but that's about it.  And Saban, being a good coach and disciplinarian, gets that talent to focus and execute.  That's it.  That's what he does.

None of which is to say Saban can't make a mistake.   He doesn't walk on water.  To quote an old friend of mine from church "there's only one guy that was perfect".  And it MOST DEFINITELY IS NOT Saban.  If anything, he has the attributes of the ANTI Christ.   :dielaughing:  (Pride, ego, arrogance, lack of compassion...and IMO cheating and lying his arse off.)

Most bammer fans I know hate the hire.  I doubt you are any different.   

I am not always right, but I am more often than not (more than I can say for some who post on here  :naughty:), but we will see.

I had an old UT buddy yesterday say "it's either going to be a great hire or a terrible hire".  I don't think that's necessarily true.  I could see Kiffin muddling through and being an "okay" OC, with all the talent that bammer has, year in and year out with Saban.  Heck, ANYONE could do "ok".  But I suspect, based on past experience watching Kiffin coach, that there are going to be a few blown plays every season he is there.  Head scratching moments...like...WTF was he thinking?   

The good thing is, we will find out.   If bammer gets that kid from FSU, your offense might be ok next year.  Otherwise, I predict a bit of pain.   :naughty: