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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: Black Diamond Vol on July 10, 2015, 01:30:59 EDT

Title: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on July 10, 2015, 01:30:59 EDT

Title: Re: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: BanditVol on July 11, 2015, 06:57:57 EDT
Punks  :naughty:

Title: Re: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on July 12, 2015, 08:40:09 EDT
Uh, BDV - you know that saying about what happens when you point a finger at somebody? 

UT has put limits on players transferring many times under several different coaches.  Yep, Tiger High is Tiger High, but we aren't innocent in putting those provisions in releases, either. 

Title: Re: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on July 12, 2015, 09:08:13 EDT
Uh, BDV - you know that saying about what happens when you point a finger at somebody? 

UT has put limits on players transferring many times under several different coaches.  Yep, Tiger High is Tiger High, but we aren't innocent in putting those provisions in releases, either. 

Well yeah, most every school does.  But most can give a good reason.  TH's line of thinking went like this:

Them: He can't transfer there because you're one of our future opponents.
Us:  Uh, no we're not.  You cancelled the series-  Remember?
Them: Uh...oh yeah.  Well, he still can't transfer there, uh...just because.

FWIW, I'm not the least bit upset about this.  I think our hoops program needs to get out of the cycle of relying on quick-fix transfers, and if we're short-handed for a couple years because of it, then so be it.  But this whole situation just reeks of "little brother syndrome". :laugh:

Title: Re: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on July 12, 2015, 10:52:18 EDT
Well, I don't consider requiring a player, even with the problems Aaron Douglas had, to go to a school "no closer than 7 hours away" a very good reason, but that's what the powers that be at UT signed off on. 

Like I said, that glass houses saying comes in to play here. 

Title: Re: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on July 13, 2015, 12:09:03 EDT
Well, I don't consider requiring a player, even with the problems Aaron Douglas had, to go to a school "no closer than 7 hours away" a very good reason, but that's what the powers that be at UT signed off on. 

Like I said, that glass houses saying comes in to play here. 

Well, Dooley and Hamilton were the braintrust that signed off on that restriction.  A high school move by high school administrators.  OTOH, considering the way things turned out for AD, maybe they were right to do so.  But whatever the case, at least they gave a reason other than "just because". :rolleyes:

Title: Re: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: Creek Walker on July 13, 2015, 12:40:35 EDT
I agree. Memphis's reasoning reeks, and they're rightfully catching flack for it.

Title: Re: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: volmeister on July 13, 2015, 12:53:09 EDT
Punks  :naughty:

We just did the same thing to Annie Aldrete.  Limited her choices to 4 schools in California.  Cal Berkeley, SJ State, Fresno State. & Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

Title: Re: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on July 13, 2015, 03:33:20 EDT
Don't care if "everybody does it" or not.  It's not right when UT does it, and it's not right when Memphis or anybody else does it.  The student/athlete has to sit a year no matter where they go, unless they transfer down.  That's penal enough.  If a student/athlete doesn't want to be there they don't want to be there.  No need in "punishing" them unless there is evidence of tampering by another school. 

Title: Re: LOL. Tiger high lives down to their nickname...
Post by: BanditVol on July 13, 2015, 08:43:23 EDT
Well, I don't consider requiring a player, even with the problems Aaron Douglas had, to go to a school "no closer than 7 hours away" a very good reason, but that's what the powers that be at UT signed off on. 

Like I said, that glass houses saying comes in to play here. 

If that was to deliberately exclude any other SEC team, then it made perfect sense.

It if was to deliberately exclude bammer, then I actually give Hammy an "attaboy" on that.  Which is the only attaboy he'll ever get from me.   :naughty:  Well, that and the one for resigning.   :biggrin: