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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: Tnphil on September 15, 2015, 04:35:42 EDT

Title: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: Tnphil on September 15, 2015, 04:35:42 EDT
I could have wrote this....

http://tonybasilio.com/index.php?page=tony&b=2234 :hurl:

Title: Re: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: HerbTarlekVol on September 15, 2015, 04:56:56 EDT
Vol Colonel is a really good guy.  He is a second tier (the first tier being the Haslam/Thornton tier) donor to the UTAD and his insider sources are rock solid.  I've never heard him say anything that wasn't either 100% accurate or at least was based in fact and was on the right track. 

Title: Re: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: BanditVol on September 15, 2015, 08:43:08 EDT
He does say this:

 In no way am I calling for this guy's head. He's done a lot of good things here and he's a recruiting machine. I, along with Tony and Beano all agree, Coach Jones should be judged at the end of his 4th year here. I believe we will know what kind of coach we have at the completion of the 2016 football season.

Which is exactly what I think also.

I also wonder why he is questioning not playing Kamara more.  Kamara looked ineffective whenever he touched the ball Saturday, so I was good with Jalen getting most of the carries.  It made me think Kamara's performance against BG was due to the weakness of the D.  However it does say that Kamara might have been a bit injured.  If so, and it's not serious, that might actually be good news, because I was hoping he would do better against OU.

Other than that, I agree with almost everything he said.  I absolutely believe that Hurd likely scores on third down.  I am not sure that sending in Hurd after Kamara failed would have worked though.  I'm talking about the 4th down thing....if I had to quantize my opinion, I was 60% go for it, 40% don't.  I suspect most Vol fans had a higher percentage though.... :naughty:

Title: Re: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: Clockwork Orange on September 15, 2015, 09:14:22 EDT
Other than that, I agree with almost everything he said.  I absolutely believe that Hurd likely scores on third down.  I am not sure that sending in Hurd after Kamara failed would have worked though.  I'm talking about the 4th down thing....if I had to quantize my opinion, I was 60% go for it, 40% don't.  I suspect most Vol fans had a higher percentage though.... :naughty:

Unless it's the end of the game and you only need 3 points, the correct call is to go for that 4th and inches every time. Every piece of data in the history of football supports that. It was a bad call by Butch and an even worse answer for it in the press conference.

Of course there were a number of individual plays that you could point at-- especially the two flags on Jumper and the one on Foreman that allowed the game tying scores. But I still think even an average coaching performance after the 17-3 lead wins that football game.

Title: Re: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: Tnphil on September 15, 2015, 09:20:24 EDT
He does say this:

 In no way am I calling for this guy's head. He's done a lot of good things here and he's a recruiting machine. I, along with Tony and Beano all agree, Coach Jones should be judged at the end of his 4th year here. I believe we will know what kind of coach we have at the completion of the 2016 football season.

Which is exactly what I think also.

I also wonder why he is questioning not playing Kamara more.  Kamara looked ineffective whenever he touched the ball Saturday, so I was good with Jalen getting most of the carries.  It made me think Kamara's performance against BG was due to the weakness of the D.  However it does say that Kamara might have been a bit injured.  If so, and it's not serious, that might actually be good news, because I was hoping he would do better against OU.

Other than that, I agree with almost everything he said.  I absolutely believe that Hurd likely scores on third down.  I am not sure that sending in Hurd after Kamara failed would have worked though.  I'm talking about the 4th down thing....if I had to quantize my opinion, I was 60% go for it, 40% don't.  I suspect most Vol fans had a higher percentage though.... :naughty:

You FIND WAYS to get the BALL...in YOUR PLAYMAKERS hands.....Karama didn't have to replace Hurd....he should have been in there WITH Hurd.....Passes to the flats...counters.....screens. Not using your playmakers and getting them the ball is criminal. If Butch and company don't figure this out they all will be put on the Derek Dooley exit plan.

Title: Re: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: BanditVol on September 15, 2015, 09:36:03 EDT
Unless it's the end of the game and you only need 3 points, the correct call is to go for that 4th and inches every time. Every piece of data in the history of football supports that. It was a bad call by Butch and an even worse answer for it in the press conference.

Of course there were a number of individual plays that you could point at-- especially the two flags on Jumper and the one on Foreman that allowed the game tying scores. But I still think even an average coaching performance after the 17-3 lead wins that football game.

Are you saying there is statistical saying this? Because I have seen it go the other way on these decisions more than once. Stoops actually got stuffed in the bCS against urban in 2008 and I saw the Falcons get destroyed after a play like this on mnf last year.

So it doesn't always work out and then the second guesses criticize the attempt and say you take the fg thete.

Generally I think FANS want to go for it every time though  :naughty:

Title: Re: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: Clockwork Orange on September 15, 2015, 09:38:45 EDT
Are you saying there is statistical saying this? Because I have seen it go the other way on these decisions more than once. Stoops actually got stuffed in the bCS against urban in 2008 and I saw the Falcons get destroyed after a play like this on mnf last year.

So it doesn't always work out and then the second guesses criticize the attempt and say you take the fg thete.

Generally I think FANS want to go for it every time though  :naughty:

Yes. The average points scored approximately DOUBLE when you go for 4th and 1 at the 1, and this was well inside the 1.

Title: Re:
Post by: SmokeyJoe on September 15, 2015, 11:02:53 EDT
Well there is that "feel for the game" mentioned in the blog post. I think a coach with a killer instinct would have gone for that, rather than "analytics". Then again, we did go on to establish a 17-0 lead so if all the other shizzle hadn't gone wrong in the 4th quarter would we even be second guessing? If we can somehow beat Florida & jawga & win the rest we are supposed to win all is forgotten. Sure would have liked to have that win tho!

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: BanditVol on September 16, 2015, 07:04:24 EDT
Yes. The average points scored approximately DOUBLE when you go for 4th and 1 at the 1, and this was well inside the 1.

It was about two feet...not inches.  Momentum is a funny thing though.  Fail and we likely lose it.

As it was, we didn't miss a beat.  we basically went right through them on consecutive drives.  If we had gone tentative right after the FG, I would have a different opinion, but we didn't.

Instead, for some inexplicable reason the team let up in the middle of the second quarter.  I say this not only due to the result, but I was there and I noticed that up 17-3, the next drive by us lacked focus and intensity.  Its up to the coach to prevent that kind of complacency or tentativeness or whatever you call it from creeping in.

To me that was what lost us the game, not a decision made five minutes into it.

Title: Re: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: Clockwork Orange on September 16, 2015, 04:27:42 EDT
It was about two feet...not inches.  Momentum is a funny thing though.  Fail and we likely lose it.

As it was, we didn't miss a beat.  we basically went right through them on consecutive drives.  If we had gone tentative right after the FG, I would have a different opinion, but we didn't.

Instead, for some inexplicable reason the team let up in the middle of the second quarter.  I say this not only due to the result, but I was there and I noticed that up 17-3, the next drive by us lacked focus and intensity.  Its up to the coach to prevent that kind of complacency or tentativeness or whatever you call it from creeping in.

To me that was what lost us the game, not a decision made five minutes into it.

I'm not upset about that call because I think it cost us the game. There were way too many other plays, series, decisions, etc. that went the wrong way to point at just the one decision early in the game.

It upsets me because I think it exemplifies Butch's problems in in-game decision-making. It was the wrong call, especially early in the game and at home, and then he defended it in his press conference with an "analytics" answer that wasn't even true. I just think he tightens up in big games and that call is a perfect example.

Butch has to make some adjustments in how he coaches in big games or he's not going to make it. I hope he's capable of changing.

Title: Re: Dang....this guy read my mind. Scary!
Post by: BanditVol on September 16, 2015, 09:50:45 EDT
I'm not upset about that call because I think it cost us the game. There were way too many other plays, series, decisions, etc. that went the wrong way to point at just the one decision early in the game.

It upsets me because I think it exemplifies Butch's problems in in-game decision-making. It was the wrong call, especially early in the game and at home, and then he defended it in his press conference with an "analytics" answer that wasn't even true. I just think he tightens up in big games and that call is a perfect example.

Butch has to make some adjustments in how he coaches in big games or he's not going to make it. I hope he's capable of changing.
