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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: PirateVOL on July 06, 2016, 04:01:54 EDT

Title: OT - Loaded Windows 10 Yesterday
Post by: PirateVOL on July 06, 2016, 04:01:54 EDT
Actually the easiest Windows load (I refuse to call it an upgrade) ever for me.
Painless and it took less than 30 minutes and everything worked when it was completed.
I waited till the year was almost up so I'm sure a lot of the bugs were worked out by now.
There are things I don't like, mostly the remaining Windows 8 crap.
Also, something that grates me is that everything is now an APP, including major programs like MS Office products

Oh, it took me another 15+ minutes to turn off all the spy crap that Microsoft turns on by default, menu after menu ...
Chrome works well (had heard stories how its performance was suffering due to Microsoft actions) but mine runs well.  I haven't even opened Edge yet as my opinion is I'm happy, why try yet another MS product that fails to live up to its potential.

Once again MS finally joined Apple is a concept that Apple has years and years head start on.

Title: Re: OT - Loaded Windows 10 Yesterday
Post by: VinnieVOL on July 06, 2016, 04:14:51 EDT
I upgraded to 10 almost immediately and really disliked it, very buggy at first.  But I waited awhile and tried again and I really like it now.   :thumbup:

Title: Re: OT - Loaded Windows 10 Yesterday
Post by: Tnphil on July 06, 2016, 05:01:22 EDT
I've been getting the update to 10 free popup daily for months and have yet to do it......No more than I use a computer anymore other than to surf the web I'm a gret mind not to do it at all. The app crap would drive me crazy.

Title: Re: OT - Loaded Windows 10 Yesterday
Post by: 73Volgrad on July 06, 2016, 06:37:48 EDT
Upgraded to Windows 10 early on and never had a problem. Had to reload and/or upgrade some software and just flat deleted some. Updates have been mixed. It does take getting used to the manner in which it functions. New things scare and confuse some people. As an engineer, change is just a continual process you cannot avoid.

Windows 10 is the most stable platform I have used. Is it perfect? No, but what is? They have eliminated options I liked in previous versions. But fear of being sued made them eliminate a lot of choice to eliminate ways hackers used an owner's own stupidity to gain access.

Title: Re: OT - Loaded Windows 10 Yesterday
Post by: PirateVOL on July 06, 2016, 06:56:56 EDT
Upgraded to Windows 10 early on and never had a problem. Had to reload and/or upgrade some software and just flat deleted some. Updates have been mixed. It does take getting used to the manner in which it functions. New things scare and confuse some people. As an engineer, change is just a continual process you cannot avoid.

Windows 10 is the most stable platform I have used. Is it perfect? No, but what is? They have eliminated options I liked in previous versions. But fear of being sued made them eliminate a lot of choice to eliminate ways hackers used an owner's own stupidity to gain access.
I have had far too many bad experience with what pases for tested S/W at MS.
Also, I had a stable platform with Win 7 and decided that I would wait until MS had time to beta test Win 10 for 11 months before I changed.
BTW other than the Win 8 remnants it operates, so far, ok, though not as stable as my Win 7 machine was.

Title: Re: OT - Loaded Windows 10 Yesterday
Post by: BanditVol on July 07, 2016, 07:14:19 EDT
I'm running a 2009 laptop with Win 7, and so I hesitate to upgrade.  I figure by the time they phase out 7, I'll just buy a new laptop.  7 is fine for everything I am doing at the moment. 

Title: Re: OT - Loaded Windows 10 Yesterday
Post by: Tnphil on July 07, 2016, 10:54:53 EDT
I'm running a 2009 laptop with Win 7, and so I hesitate to upgrade.  I figure by the time they phase out 7, I'll just buy a new laptop.  7 is fine for everything I am doing at the moment. 

Exactly where I am too.