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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: Volznut on December 19, 2016, 01:25:40 EST

Title: BDV here's your Rogue One Review
Post by: Volznut on December 19, 2016, 01:25:40 EST
First of all, great casting. The story, as you likely know, takes place between episodes 3 and 4. The character of Jyn Ursa is explained pretty well, as well as her motivations. Her dad's role in development of the death star and the flaw in it the design is explained. It ties up some stories that happens that lead up to "A new hope". The movie is pretty much non-stop action, and there are tons of battle scenes in it, rivaling Empire. What I liked about it is that you can start watching the series with this movie, move to episode 4, and things make sense. There are nice cameos in it from R2D2, C3PO, Darth Vader, and even a young Princess Leia.

I thought the movie was awesome, keeps you interested and entertained, and all the while you are thinking - wait  - are these people all going to die? Well..... I won't reveal what happens at the end of the movie, but if you watched episode 4 you know.

There is a blind character in it who is very likable, and also the droid is a funny character.

Title: Re: BDV here's your Rogue One Review
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on December 19, 2016, 01:33:13 EST
I can't wait to see it.  A friend who is the biggest SW geek I know said he puts it #2 in the series behind Empire.

Title: Re: BDV here's your Rogue One Review
Post by: BanditVol on December 19, 2016, 05:04:39 EST
I just saw it.  It was very good.

It fits very well in the niche it's supposed to occupy, and as Nut says, you find out a lot of details that are very relevant to Episode 4. 

It reminds me of the latest Mad Max in that it fits very well into the Star Wars universe...almost as if the franchise has been boiled down to it's essence.

Title: Re: BDV here's your Rogue One Review
Post by: 10EC on December 19, 2016, 08:36:31 EST
I just saw it.  It was very good.

It fits very well in the niche it's supposed to occupy, and as Nut says, you find out a lot of details that are very relevant to Episode 4. 

It reminds me of the latest Mad Max in that it fits very well into the Star Wars universe...almost as if the franchise has been boiled down to it's essence.

LOVED IT.  Second best Star Wars film after ESB.

Only issue was the CGI was kinda... well yuck.  Especially Leia.  Tarken.. ok.  But I an deal with that.

A lot of previews never made it to the movie.

Title: Re: BDV here's your Rogue One Review
Post by: Black Diamond Vol on December 22, 2016, 01:51:19 EST
Just saw it.  My impressions?  It doesn't "feel" like a Star Wars film.  There was no opening text crawl.  The cinematography is completely different (lots of use of the handheld camera- that was unheard of in the previous films).  It also had a much bleaker tone- even in the darkest of the previous films (III and V, specifically) were sprinkled with humor and "cute" characters.  Other than the occasional funny droid quip, this film really had none.  And up until the last 5 minutes, there wasn't even a hint of a lightsaber- and even then, it wasn't a proper "duel". 

Having said all that, I LOVED it.  It really goes a long way towards filling in a lot of the blanks in the original trilogy.  I understand they're trying to give these off-year films a different flavor from the proper numbered entries, and IMO they've really succeeded here without ruining the film.  That's fine line to walk, but they pulled it off.  I'm really looking forward to the Han Solo origin movie in two years.

Title: Re: BDV here's your Rogue One Review
Post by: BanditVol on December 22, 2016, 03:28:55 EST
The dropping of the scrolling text is deliberate.   I still wanted to see it though.   :biggrin: