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Sports => VTTW Message Board => Topic started by: SmokeyJoe on November 27, 2017, 11:47:49 EST

Title: What kind of fanbase trolls itself with #grumors and
Post by: SmokeyJoe on November 27, 2017, 11:47:49 EST
"insider" info? Aided by some of the local Twitter based media (wallace, brice, ramey). Are we crazy?  :biggrin:  :crazy: :wow:

Title: Re: What kind of fanbase trolls itself with #grumors and
Post by: Coupe De VOL on November 28, 2017, 12:01:13 EST
"insider" info? Aided by some of the local Twitter based media (wallace, brice, ramey). Are we crazy?  :biggrin:  :crazy: :wow:

If you haven't gone crazy watching the last 15 years, you haven't been watching the last 15 years. :laugh:

Title: Re: What kind of fanbase trolls itself with #grumors and
Post by: Tnphil on November 28, 2017, 01:38:56 EST
It's unreal....I can't believe grown people will fall for all that crap. Stop and think...all these 'Insides' knew we had Gruden but not 1 (ONE) knew we were going to hire Schiano. :dielaughing:

Title: Re: What kind of fanbase trolls itself with #grumors and
Post by: VinnieVOL on November 28, 2017, 02:06:22 EST
Is it really necessary to mock fellow Vol fans at a time like this?   Excuuuuse some of us for having high hopes.  

There were legitimate members of the media that validated it was at least a minor possibility.   :tongue:

Title: Re: What kind of fanbase trolls itself with #grumors and
Post by: SmokeyJoe on November 28, 2017, 02:21:54 EST
Is it really necessary to mock fellow Vol fans at a time like this?   Excuuuuse some of us for having high hopes.  

There were legitimate members of the media that validated it was at least a minor possibility.   :tongue:

I am that fellow Vol fan that fell for it. Lol  :powert:

Title: Re: What kind of fanbase trolls itself with #grumors and
Post by: BanditVol on November 28, 2017, 03:46:02 EST
Is it really necessary to mock fellow Vol fans at a time like this?   Excuuuuse some of us for having high hopes.  

There were legitimate members of the media that validated it was at least a minor possibility.   :tongue:

I don't think he's mocking you as much as complaining about all the trolls claiming inside knowledge.  Based on how that worked last time, 99% of them were.  compltely.  full. of. shizzle.  And it pissed me off that they got their jollies that way, so to speak.   The Troll Story on VN was particularly elaborate, with specific big money boosters and AD inside sources claimed, details leaked of 'insider meetings", financial details about what booster would pay what, etc, etc, etc.  And it was COMPLETE HORSE shizzle.  yet hundreds, if not thousands, on VN fell for it.

Title: Re: What kind of fanbase trolls itself with #grumors and
Post by: VinnieVOL on November 28, 2017, 04:59:40 EST
I don't think he's mocking you as much as complaining about all the trolls claiming inside knowledge.  Based on how that worked last time, 99% of them were.  compltely.  full. of. shizzle.  And it pissed me off that they got their jollies that way, so to speak.   The Troll Story on VN was particularly elaborate, with specific big money boosters and AD inside sources claimed, details leaked of 'insider meetings", financial details about what booster would pay what, etc, etc, etc.  And it was COMPLETE HORSE shizzle.  yet hundreds, if not thousands, on VN fell for it.

Oh, I know.  Was just being silly.  No offense taken at all.

Title: Re: What kind of fanbase trolls itself with #grumors and
Post by: JeffCountyVolFan on November 28, 2017, 05:23:42 EST
I was one who bought in to the Gruden possibility.

I know two of the individuals who were posting information on VQ. One of them I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw him. The other is a highly respected, very honest individual - in other words, there is no way that I would ever believe he would troll people on a message board.

The point that I'm trying to make is that I don't think all of those posts were trolls. Just like in 2012, I believe that contact was made and that some of those people were honestly sharing information. 

Title: Re: What kind of fanbase trolls itself with #grumors and
Post by: volsboy on November 28, 2017, 04:38:23 EST
If you haven't gone crazy watching the last 15 years, you haven't been watching the last 15 years. :laugh:
You are so right. I have become a cynical, negative asshat over the last 15 years towards the Vols. I admit it. I've been on this board since 1997. I think we just got spoiled during that time. Then things started going downward and we hired these last three coaches and it kept getting worse. I am guilty of putting unrealistic expectations on coaches. After this last fiasco, I am just going to support whoever they hire and enjoy whatever product the Vols put on the field. Losing sight of what really matters sucks, a lot of us forget these players are just kids but we put adult pressures and expectations on them. TRO opened my eyes about negativity. It is a wasted emotion and never leads to desired outcome. I am the first to admit that I've forgotten that it's just a game and not life and death. I hope the Vol players remember to have fun when they are playing. It is a shame that we get so caught up in the games, we forget their number one purpose is fun and entertainment. Go Vols!