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351  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: BRING BACK THE BEER BARREL! on: November 12, 2014, 06:40:46 EST
It's over, the dream is gone, the king is dead.....

How does George's song go "I poured the last drop from Callipari's toes"?   
352  Sports / VTTW Message Board / YES !!! I despise everything P.C. Traditions are important and attempting on: November 12, 2014, 05:31:11 EST
to sterilize all hurtful, offensive issues by proclaiming them politically incorrect is not going to make the world safer or better! In fact I propose that it does the opposite and makes our populace less able to discern right from wrong for themselves and therefore more susceptible to being deceived by some articulate, persuasive orator or some popular movement.         
353  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I'm hoping that the defense returns to its former level of play after on: November 11, 2014, 06:43:40 EST
resting this past week, with that in mind I predict  Big Orange 35    Mildcats 17     
354  Sports / VTTW Message Board / My biggest concern after the Bama and SC games was the subpar on: November 07, 2014, 08:58:45 EST
performance of the D. I'm hoping that the decrease in effectiveness was due to exhaustion and if so this off date should remedy that....come back with fresh legs, fresh minds and the exhilaration of a big win on the road. As long as Josh can maintain, or improve, his performance and the D returns to former effectiveness, I don't see why we would lose any of the remaining games...barring turnovers etc.           
355  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Yeah my daughter and I relished the SC fans dancing and congratulating on: November 04, 2014, 01:41:59 EST
each other along with the announcers talking about what we might have done to win the game....knowing that we had won made it fun! I have to admit I went to bed when SC went up by 14 the second time with so little time left....I didn't see any way, sure was fun watching it Sunday morning. Heck, even knowing we had won Sunday I kept watching the clock tick off and couldn't imagine how we won....great victory, no quit whatsoever!   
356  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Well if he's going to look like Jim Bob Cooter this on: November 03, 2014, 07:47:48 EST
would be the week for it as don't play.    Seriously, what our offense did exceeded what many offense of other teams were able to accomplish against the same crappy Cock defense so I think that reflects well on the offense. It's been the defense that has been baffling to me....maybe they're just exhausted physically, emotionally and mentally...it's been a tough stretch for a very thin roster. I think this off week, er excuse me "work week", comes at a great time to get everyone rested in all aspects and come out fresh against the remaining teams so we can secure those needed 2 wins.   
357  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I'm with CW....STUPID, STUPID, STUPID is all I could say. That on: November 03, 2014, 04:29:46 EST
would have been the game if they had thrown the flag, which they really should have (the drag I wouldn't have, but certainly the shove afterward) called it....of course I'M DELIGHTED they didn't!!! Few things I enjoy more, regarding football, than beating The Old, Old Ball Coach!   
358  Sports / VTTW Message Board / We came back from 2 TD deficits TWICE and I felt we had on: November 03, 2014, 01:45:07 EST
fought too hard to place the entire outcome of the game on a play that is difficult to convert....kick the EP and let's continue to battle, I think it worked out pretty good.        
359  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: IMO the keys to victory are as follows: on: October 31, 2014, 10:05:10 EDT
South Carolina does not have any receiver as good as Bama. UT got beat by one player alone.

True they don't, and not many do, have a WR as good as Cooper but they do have 3 good WRs that are each integral parts of the passing game...they also have a good RB. SC has put up the points, not sure of their average but is seems it has to be around 30 per game, but their D is bad...this is why I think our Ds ability to slow their offense down well below their averages will be one of the keys...we can't get into a score fest with them. I think if we win the score will be around UT 24  SC 20....if we lose SC 34   UT 17.     
360  Sports / VTTW Message Board / IMO the keys to victory are as follows: on: October 31, 2014, 02:53:59 EDT
1. The defense must play much better than they did last week. SC can score points and IMO we can't get into a high scoring game.
2. Run effectively....SC has the SECs worst run D so if we have the same effort that we did last week there's no reason we shouldn't have a couple hundred rushing yards, this would take a lot of pressure off of Dobbs first start of the season and on the road at that.
3. Dobbs must not try to force passes....it's going to be cold and very windy, he needs to play calm and smart...run or throw it away but don't force it, we definitely don't need to overcome 2 or 3 INTs.

If Dobbs plays at least as good as he did last week, everyone stays healthy and the D returns to its former caliber of play, I think we have a decent shot at all of our remaining games.

GO BIG ORANGE!!!       
361  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: So how many watched all of the World Series? They say baseball is dying. However on: October 31, 2014, 01:52:58 EDT
I watched first 3 innings of game six and the first 5 innings of game 7. I used to follow the Braves, watching practically every game, but since my son has become an adult and left home there's no one to watch with and baseball is all about "discussion".   
362  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I agree with Jedi! Think back to last year when Butch took over....what were on: October 27, 2014, 10:01:58 EDT
most wanting to see? Get competitive in recruiting again and coach the players up....we're getting players and there was huge improvement IMO from last year to this. Just how depleted our roster was when Butch took over due to Dooley's complete incompetence simply CANNOT be overly emphasized....you just don't snap back after 18 months from the kind of set back Dooley dealt us and expect to compete with the top tier of the SEC. Butch has the ship turning and we'll get there everyone just has to be realistic about the time and effort it will take.  
363  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I hate Bama 24/7/365....don't need a reason it's in my DNA. :) on: October 22, 2014, 03:53:34 EDT
364  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Miss St. appears to be very, very strong defensively and possesses on: October 22, 2014, 01:51:31 EDT
a good ground game with an adequate passing game....I think they're better than anyone I've seen. The Egg Bowl will likely produce the SEC Champs IMO.   
365  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I told a friend recently that Bruce kinda set us up for the on: October 10, 2014, 07:13:08 EDT
deep emotional disappointment we have experienced by doing such a great coaching job....at the beginning of the year most were realistic hoping for a better record but not expecting it, then we see the team go to Norman and play hard and then nearly beat Ga in Athens and we expect to beat Fla with the struggles they've experienced. So, by the great job he and his staff have done coaching up a bunch of young, inexperienced players we all moved our expectations up accordingly while failing to realize that struggles were guaranteed with such a young group. I know Butch is, and will continue, to turn things around....I have issues with calling long developing pass routes when protection is a MAJOR issue and being less predictable on 1st downs, but I'm confident he's the right guy at this time. I still believe we'll get an upset, maybe two along the way and it's equally plausible that we'll lose to Ky. I know we're all exasperated from having to endure the football we experienced under Dooley, but Butch is turning a battleship not a ski boat.   
366  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I agree with CO....and I hesitate to call it a must win, IMO it's more of on: September 29, 2014, 09:49:28 EDT
a case of the fanbase being emotionally exhausted and really could use this one to re-energize the batteries and the soul. I think we get the Gators with us being at home and while they are favored I really like the way our guys are playing and feel we should be favored. I am in awe of the job of coaching these younguns up that our staff has done....we are going to make serious noise over the length of the reign of Butch Jones.      
367  Sports / VTTW Message Board / It's difficult for someone who has never been told no, or ever been on: September 22, 2014, 01:44:56 EDT
held accountable, to suddenly grasp that "oh you meant that, REALLY?". He is running headlong toward serious consequences and hasn't a clue.           
368  Sports / VTTW Message Board / He's a knuckle-head (best Sir Charles voice). on: September 17, 2014, 08:39:16 EDT
369  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Was anyone else exhausted after that 15 pt win? I stayed on on: September 08, 2014, 02:08:10 EDT
edge most of the game....we never really took command and should have but we just couldn't finish so many drives. The biggest issue I had after this game is play calling.....it's apparent our run game is anemic, why call runs 1st down almost exclusively and many times 1st and 2nd down putting an offense that is not dominant in 3rd and long so often? I really hope they were just trying to get real game work for the OL and RBs while we had a lead, but that was dangerous IMO if that's what they were doing as ASU was firing all of their guns. We have to keep Ds guessing more, especially from here on out as we enter the teams that should beat us and it will take doing everything right to have a chance.         
370  Sports / VTTW Message Board / It's obvious that Worley has worked hard in the off season and on: September 05, 2014, 04:22:24 EDT
greatly improved his grasp of the offense and his timing on his throws .....how can criticize 71% completion percentage. BUT those bubble screens ain't gonna cut it in the long term! He will have to be able to stretch the D or else the SEC defenses will scrutinize the WRs etc. and find a way to anticipate a bubble screen and it will turn into a pick 6 .....Worley's arm strength is his biggest weakness. I think he would do well with slants etc. with our big, fast WRs....hit 'em in stride (getting rid of the ball quick minimizes the negative impact of the young OL too) and let them help by getting YAC. Without a good run game, and it appears no long ball threat from Worley, he will need to find ways to get the ball to the WRs and RBs on the move in order for us to be able to sustain drives.     
371  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Yeah, I always respected Spurrier for his on: September 04, 2014, 04:37:45 EDT
honesty (whether he was discussing his team or yours) although I used to despise his smart alec remarks. After watching that show I now think, for the most part, he isn't so much attempting to be a smart a$$ as he is just employing good natured smack talk at his competitors (of course in a few cases you can tell it's intended to hurt because someone has first denigrated him/his program). He was a true athlete and competitor to the core. 
372  Sports / VTTW Message Board / The heck with the Aggies.....all I have to say to them is on: August 28, 2014, 06:45:46 EDT
if you can't run with Smokey, stay on the porch!    GO VOLS!!!   
373  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I think being at Neyland we will prevail, I know Utah St is going on: August 27, 2014, 10:11:28 EDT
to challenge the heck out of our defense, but I think with the offensive weapons we have this year, the improved defensive speed, I think we win, by how much I have no feeling for the margin because I do know the challenge being confronted.   
374  Sports / VTTW Message Board / If a one loss SEC team loses early and then wins out on: August 27, 2014, 09:34:07 EDT
there should be enough opportunities to play enough top 15 teams to justify a position in the top 4....other conferences not so much.    
375  Sports / VTTW Message Board / To have a chance at a bowl we absolutely must win all on: August 27, 2014, 08:03:53 EDT
of the games we should and avoid mistakes and injuries. Injuries really would devastate us...I feel like we have good talent, of course much of it has zero experience at this level, but we are as thin as an Obama promise.     
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