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1001  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Jon Gruden on: October 28, 2012, 07:57:55 EDT
Can't wait to see these boards if it were to happen.  

You guys do know that it is a fact he's interested, right?  Not saying it will happen, but to dismiss it as a dream or fantasy is incorrect.

I haven't read that he is interested, only that UT is interested in him and there may have been "unofficial" contact.  Then again, I do not read football-related internet sites.  Have credible sources reported that he actually has expressed interest (other than listening to potential offers)? 
1002  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Jon Gruden on: October 28, 2012, 07:48:00 EDT
I agree with Vinnie.  For some reason UT fans have this huge inferiority complex and just assume that we can never get anybody that is better than what we have , no matter how bad the status quo is.  Fact is, we have never opened up the check book for anybody, not ever.  Why is it that a small University in a small southern state like Alabama can pay out the butt for a coach but we can't?  

I don't really see it as an inferiority complex.  I just think that UT is a unique program and I believe that not many coaches would see it as a job that will ever lead to anything else.  That is, it seems to me that UT's best bet is to find someone who already likes Knoxville, or likely will fall in love, and wants to stay there for good (not jump to a "dream" job like Kiffin).  Sort of like a Pearl for football, but someone who won't mess up.    The UTAD could offer more money and still lose someone not married to the area.  And, as much as I hate to admit it, places like South Bend and Tusk O'Loser can draw coaches with program history much better than UT can.  Perhaps paying more than actual value is what it will take.  And, at least Gruden and his wife have lived in Knoxville and know (and perhaps like) the area already.  And, I think the Vols can get much better than what they have now regardless of whether that person has head coaching experience, and certainly not head coaching experience at a major university or the NFL.  I still do not know what Hamilton's attraction to Dooley was, absent acting in panic mode.  Who out there would see Tennessee as their "dream" job and would stay?  Is there somenone like that out there?  I don't know, but having a head coach with that mentality, as well as a solid coaching history, would sure be nice.  
1003  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Jon Gruden on: October 28, 2012, 06:41:50 EDT
What was the question?
Who is the Vols fans' latest unrealistic head coaching prospect?    I'd like to think that someone like Gruden would come to Knoxville, but I have a hard time seeing it.  Perhaps times have changed enough, but look at history: Dooley, Kiffin, Fulmer, Majors, Battle, Dickey, McDonald, Wyatt, Robinson, Neyland.........  Coach Majors is the biggest name head coach to come to the Vols from another school/team, IMO, although Bowden Wyatt came "home" too after head coaching elsewhere.  Then there was Kiffin.  The others except for Dooley, I believe, were assistants when they were hired, including the two most successful the Vols have ever had -- Neyland and Fulmer.  Perhaps Hart will turn things on their head and get a non-Vol big name as head coach.  Then again, I am not adverse to hiring a really good assistant or smaller school head coach.  Remember, Dooley was not very successful as a head coach at La Tech, and that's why he was such a shock when he was named as head coach (at least to me).
1004  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Bill Cowher may very well be coming to UT! on: October 28, 2012, 06:08:01 EDT
Are you on your meds today?

Gotta laugh to keep from crying.   
1005  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Bill Cowher may very well be coming to UT! on: October 28, 2012, 06:05:58 EDT
I don't have a good source, but he's wearing what looks to me like a Tennessee orange tie today -- cleary a secret signal to Hart!   
1006  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Going to see the TITANS tomorrow... on: October 28, 2012, 05:59:58 EDT
He can always root for the 6-0  Falcons,lot of room on the bandwagon!

Go Iggles!   
1007  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Flea'd from the Mudlizard...Lattimore Update on: October 28, 2012, 05:58:24 EDT
The last I heard after that tweet started making the rounds last night was that it was NOT official. However, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to imagine that it is correct and those injuries may have since been confirmed.   

I have read in a couple places that the reports going around are all based on the same unofficial source, so I guess there is hope.  That was a NASTY looking injury, and I assumed by the use of the inflatable air splint that a bone break of some sort was suspected/known.  As for another comment about the MRI being on Monday, I wonder why they would wait?  When I saw the doctor for my injury last summer, the first thing he did was send me for an immediate MRI.  Maybe with the degree of damage they are waiting for some stability first (e.g., swelling to decrease).  I sure hope he recovers fully.
1008  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Dave Hart: "Derek Dooley will be back as head coach next... on: October 28, 2012, 05:35:06 EDT
...season.  Back to Louisiana Tech, I hope."   

I keed, I keed!   
1009  Sports / VTTW Message Board / On the bright side,... on: October 28, 2012, 05:04:41 EDT

...I'm sure everyone is happy that the Irish stayed undefeated!!!   

1010  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: First Post on: October 27, 2012, 12:07:05 EDT
Welcome aboard!   
1011  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Score prediction on: October 26, 2012, 07:22:41 EDT
Vols 27, Gamecocks 24.  I am going to keep predicting that score in every game until it comes true! 
1012  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I have been contacted by the UTAD and... on: October 26, 2012, 07:20:42 EDT
...Gruden will be the next Vols head coach!  Ok, not really.    But, they did tell me that I can obtain up to 10 lower level basketball season tickets (look like "endzone" sections).  I don't recall ever being approached to buy basketball tickets like this before, but maybe my memory is slipping (well, more than usual).  Is this something new?  Have basketball ticket sales been an issue since Coach Pearl was canned?  For some reason, I thought there was general enthusiasm for the basketball program.
1013  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: TRO takes control and we have a ton of posting on: October 26, 2012, 07:08:46 EDT
I certainly hope you're not suggesting he's a better recruiter!    

You know me well.  The day I am considered to be any kind of recruiter, or have any interest in recruiting, will be a big news day indeed. 
1014  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: TRO takes control and we have a ton of posting on: October 26, 2012, 07:06:09 EDT
Coincidence?  I think not.

Well, ReVOLver is one of the primary posters, and he just happened to give up control at a time when the Vols football program is causing a lot of posting energy (even if it is for mostly negative reasons).  So, it's a perfect transition storm.   
1015  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: When you registered, you agreed... on: October 26, 2012, 05:14:30 EDT
I guess I cant bring back the cheerleader

At the right time, that might be acceptable.  Like the whale, maybe a grandfather clause is in order.          
1016  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: When you registered, you agreed... on: October 26, 2012, 05:12:22 EDT
Damn,I missed somethink interesting!

Keep looking.  As I said, nothing has been deleted or modified.   
1017  Sports / VTTW Message Board / When you registered, you agreed... on: October 26, 2012, 05:01:11 EDT
...not to post on the VTTW "any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law."  I know that some of those things are somewhat subjective, but please do not post something unless you really think it would be appropriate for my, ReVOLver's or Volznut's daughters (or anyone's minor children) to read.  As much as we would like to think that only adults read this forum, it is not necessarly true, and even funny stuff can violate the rules.  I have not deleted or modified any posts based on this, but I am asking you to please police yourselves and keep the general rule in mind.  Thanks. 
1018  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Interesting comments by Fulmer on: October 25, 2012, 11:49:27 EDT
Preposterous comparison by Fulmer. Fulmer had shown mucho promise as a coach going into 2004. Fulmer's teams competed. Dooley's teams don't. Even in the false hope of the Georgia loss, they played horribly.

Wasn't the comparison to his 1994 (1-3) team?  Perhaps you meant 1994, but Fulmer's history as head coach going into 1994 was certainly a lot different than 2004 (3-1 after four games).   
1019  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Not to interrupt the "Gruden News Network," but the Troy game is set... on: October 25, 2012, 12:54:41 EDT
...for 12:00 Noon ET and will be on Fox Sports Net.  
1020  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: I listed a pair of Vols/Gamecocks tickets on StubHub earlier today... on: October 25, 2012, 12:50:04 EDT
I got paid for the tickets today and actually made a couple bucks.  Nice!   
1021  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Being hinted at 8yr, 50 mil offer....... on: October 25, 2012, 12:47:44 EDT
Thanks for raining on our parade.

Sorry, man.  I'll try to be more positive if/when he's hired.  I have just never understood the hype.  Hopefully, if he's hired he'll make me understand.   
1022  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Being hinted at 8yr, 50 mil offer....... on: October 25, 2012, 12:30:14 EDT
Pete Carroll is a better comparison than Saban, except Gruden had more NFL success than Carroll.

But will Gruden cheat as well as Carroll did?    Hey, if he's hired I hope Gruden goes undefeated every year and is ultimately considered a college football head coaching genious.  I have just never seen it displayed in his NFL head coaching jobs to date.  Then again, I am on the bottom rung of even the most novice football knowledge ladder, so....   
1023  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Being hinted at 8yr, 50 mil offer....... on: October 25, 2012, 12:24:18 EDT
Without a doubt he is better than what UT has. That's all I have right now.

Probably, even if just because I think he would set up a better staff and would recruit better based on his name recognition.  But, that's a lot of money for someone I consider to be a so-so head coach.  I sure hope his ego lets him delegate because he has never impressed me with any coaching smarts.
1024  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Being hinted at 8yr, 50 mil offer....... on: October 25, 2012, 12:20:50 EDT
Do you remember the swell of hype that came when Saban arrived at Bama?  I remember thinking "huh, he hasn't done shizzle".. but it's almost like their was such an injection of confidence into that program that it willed it to a new level.  Time will only tell if Gruden could do the same for us, but logic says it just might.

Saban was 34–24–1 at Michigan State and 48-16 at LSU prior to becoming head coach at bama.  Not spectacular, but very successful and certainly a solid college head coaching foundation.  I hated it when he went to bama, since I assumed the school's football history and usual recruiting base would make him even more successful.
1025  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Being hinted at 8yr, 50 mil offer....... on: October 25, 2012, 12:08:52 EDT
Ugh!  $6.2million per year for a guy who has never been a head coach in college football.  Yes, he was a quarterbacks and wide receivers coach in college, and he must have done some recruiting, but that was what, 23 or 24 years ago?  His overall record in the NFL as head coach was 95-81.  I know, I know, he won a Super Bowl with Tampa Bay, but his overall record there was just 57-55.  I really don't see the appeal, other than the "celebrity" factor.  I just don't see the coaching appeal, but I have never viewed him as being exceptional in coaching in any way.  When Kiffin and Dooley were hired, neither were in my top 5 choices.  If he's hired, Gruden will join that club.  But, if he becomes a Vol, again, I will certainly wish him the best.  He's going to need it with kind of money at stake.
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