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151  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Do ya think the on side call was Dooley? on: September 10, 2011, 09:59:46 EDT
That was gutsy.  

And the guys really took advantage of it.
152  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Nice drive. TD! on: September 10, 2011, 09:51:43 EDT
We gotta get the OL to start knocking some guys back.  If we start running, we will be tough.
153  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Poor tackling on: September 10, 2011, 09:45:39 EDT
Wiffle tackle
154  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Poor tackling on: September 10, 2011, 09:42:02 EDT
Had the back cold and did not wrap up.  Comon guys.
155  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I gotta say it. on: September 10, 2011, 09:37:46 EDT
Palardy has NO leg!
156  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Somebody needs to tell the officials.. on: September 10, 2011, 09:23:59 EDT
that the 'Cam' rules are no longer in effect.  Auburn seems to be getting extra helpings of home cookin today. 
157  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Fumbles... on: September 05, 2011, 05:38:48 EDT
I noticed that a lot of players were wearing those arm wraps that extend from the wrist to the shoulder and my first thought was 'he better concentrate on holding on to the ball'.  My video feed was jerky and not very good so I don't know if most of the fumbles occurred to players with arm wraps or not.  I do know from experience that they are very slick when wet and, if it were up to me, arm wraps would stay in the locker room when its been raining outside.
158  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: We've got a lot of playmakers..... on: September 04, 2011, 05:41:01 EDT
We also need to find some decent kickers.  Kick coverage seemed to be OK. 

Montana dared us to throw.  They usually had 8 in the box all night long.  Maybe the OL will do better when we play teams that are starting to respect the passing game.  I have a feeling that if we threw long more we would of had a bunch more touchdowns, but you could tell we were really trying to work on the running game.
159  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Oregon looked really good... on: September 04, 2011, 05:36:23 EDT
getting their tails kicked in their 'Bad Ass' all black uniforms.   
160  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Bosie is making Jawga look bad. on: September 04, 2011, 04:49:09 EDT
I can't imagine a worse fate.  Having to wear those god awful ugly uniforms and getting your fannies beat on national television.  This should really help our recruiting in Georgia. 

Boise, on the other hand, looks really good.  I like the intensity level at which they play.
161  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: In other news, those UGA unis are even uglier live... on: September 04, 2011, 02:58:09 EDT
Yep.  Jawga is in the running for ugliest uniforms contest.
162  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: We still cant run. ** on: September 04, 2011, 02:56:36 EDT
and we still can't kick the ball to the end zone.  I find it distressing that every game I watch I see kickers putting the ball to the end zone, in the end zone or through the end zone.
163  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Death, taxes, ND being overrated in preseason on: September 03, 2011, 11:29:59 EDT
164  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: This oughta be fun on: September 01, 2011, 02:37:20 EDT
It takes a woman to drive you to drink.  And God love them for it.

The real test is if the comes back to pick you up later.
165  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: It's game week! We're starting three freshmen on: August 31, 2011, 04:27:16 EDT
All three on defense.  We needed help there.  If we can stuff the run, then we will be successful.
166  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Anthony Anderson is showing out at WR on: August 31, 2011, 04:25:50 EDT
He comes from good stock.  The Anderson family will do everyone proud.  I know them well and for a long, long time.  They come from modest means and have their priorities straight.  God, family, country.  Hard work is no stranger to them.  I hope Anthony will break a few big ones on the return team.
167  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Top 5 Sports Allegiances on: August 31, 2011, 04:20:00 EDT
I will go with the following.

1) Vols football.  If I watch them win then I can feel better about missing church.

2) Lady Vols basketball.  Pat has earned my respect and allegiance.

3) Vols basketball.  I listened to Ray Mears and the Ernie and Bernie show.  I loved the excitement that Pearl brought to the game.

4) Peyton Manning wagoneer.

5) Gibbs HS.  I played there for 4 years.  I would love to be young enough to play there now.  I know I could contribute.
168  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Crazy news about Bruce on: August 31, 2011, 04:07:45 EDT
I've always said that I like Bruce.  I still like Bruce.  I think his punishment was way, way over the top.  Heck, if I had a kid that played basketball, I would be thrilled if Bruce were his coach.
169  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: UT Nike pro combat uniform mock up (pic) on: August 31, 2011, 04:04:04 EDT
Old!!!  I call it experienced.  You can't get that in a classroom.

Seriously, we had no depth to play Oregon last year.  We actually held up pretty well until depth became an issue.  They also had twice the depth we had.  Also, I think the game was a night game and the weather was pretty nice.  I may be wrong about the last part but you can forgive me of that since I'm 'OLD'. 

One other prediction I will make is that saggin pants will be in the same catagory as platform shoes in about 10 years.

Now pardon me while I go fire up my bike and go for a ride.  I'm not quite ready for a wheelchair.
170  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: UT Nike pro combat uniform mock up (pic) on: August 30, 2011, 02:04:41 EDT
That would go well with the guys wearing their pants pulled halfway down to their knees and hats on backwards for the Vol Walk.

Seriously, I would love for us to be playing a highly ranked team in early September at Neyland and for them to be wearing that.  It would be fun to watch them melt on the sideline in the heat and humidity.  I figure that would at least add 2-4 extra degrees to their body core temp.  Stylish is one thing.  Stupid is another.
171  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: UT Nike pro combat uniform mock up (pic) on: August 30, 2011, 01:58:22 EDT
172  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: If you could change one play in your lifetime as a UT fan, what would it be? on: August 08, 2011, 11:14:07 EDT
Jerry Colquit blowing out his knee on the first play of the first game of the season at ucla.  After working for 5 years to get the start it was all taken from him.  I also think that team could of been a national contender if not for that.  Of course it ushered in the Peyton years so it wasn't a total loss.
173  General Boards / PolitiVOL / Re: One senator trying to do something about oil speculation on: July 23, 2011, 07:45:45 EDT
As always there are few flies in the  ointment as far a fuel cells go.  First, I do believe that the catalytic process requires 'rare earth elements' in their construction.  These elements are aptly named and will sky rocket in price as they become more and more in demand.  Second, the only viable source of hydrogen comes from fossil fuels so the amount of carbon released would be unaffected.  You would also be introducing another conversion process into the product line that will require more energy.  From the 3 laws of thermodynamics you have the fact there will be losses anytime you convert energy from one form to another.  The extra process of converting natural gas to hydrogen would consume most of your savings.  Thirdly, there is no infrastructure for the delivery of H2 to the customer.   That alone would take more than a generation to accomplish.  Research is a good thing and yields good ideas and I'm all for it...but right now there are no good prospects of seeing wide spread use of fuel cells.

174  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose. on: July 18, 2011, 12:33:52 EDT
I just finished watching the whole series of Farscape.  Netflix has the whole series and its great to watch back to back.  It took about 6 weeks to catch the whole thing.  I had forgotten what a good series that was.
175  General Boards / PolitiVOL / Re: One senator trying to do something about oil speculation on: July 02, 2011, 04:04:46 EDT
Here you go.  Lots of info.  Watts Bar was the last to come on line.  1996.  That means the maximum life will take it to 2041 and if no new reactors are built, it will be the last.  Of the 104 reactors listed only about 95 are actually in operation.  Of those 95, only about 85 are online at any one time.  Most reactors come offline for refueling about every 18 months and an outage can last for 6 - 8 weeks.  Then they hit the line again.  Ramp up to full output in about 3 days (due to pauses to check chemistry levels for proper operation).  Then they just crank out the power, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  Please notice that the 104 number is the number of reactors, not the number of sites.  Browns Ferry has 3 of those reactors.  The number of sites that have these plants probably are in the 40's.  Think about that.  40 sites around the country provide 20% of the total power generation of the country.  It's quite amazing when you think about it.


As far a licensees go, there are several that a plant needs before it can go into operation and those are not open ended on the date.  All new plants will have to present themselves before the NRC and obtain an operating license before they go on line.  I doubt that any plants will become operational with the current administration.  In fact, I tried to wager our manager that I would be retired before any new plants hit the line.  That was 6 years ago and I figure I have at least another 6 - 10 years to go before I retire.  I still feel it is a very safe bet. 
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