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51  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Be honest... on: November 01, 2011, 02:36:15 EDT
Are you kidding????  I would LOVE to watch Worley play in a game where he at least has a chance to take his time and start making some plays.  He had a few high points against SC and I just wonder what would of happened if Rogers had not dropped the TD pass.  This will a glimpse of the future.  A chance where he starts to tune into the receivers to find his 'go to' guy.  Everything is wide open this weekend.  I hope we don't just try and run the ball and win.  I want to see the guy get a real chance to show what he can do.  Let him make some mistakes and make some big plays.  Like it or not, Worley is our key guy until Bray comes back.

As far a Bama/LSU, well they both are equally talented.  I give LSU the edge in explosiveness and Bama the edge in consistency.  Since Bama is a home, the consistency factor will win out because I think LSU will make a few mistakes.  It should be a good game.
52  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Interesting day. on: October 30, 2011, 06:30:21 EDT
Looks like we failed to accomplish one and two.
53  Sports / VTTW Message Board / The game. on: October 30, 2011, 12:38:25 EDT
How do you sum this up?  How about...

2 procedure penalties make a easy FG into a hard one. = -3
One dropped pass right in the hands of our best offensive player. = -7
One Int. return that Prentess should have scored on then given right back to SC. = -7

That all adds up to 17 points lost during the game = losing one that should not have been lost.

Someone once said 'Play-makers make plays'.  We don't have any play-makers.
54  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Interesting day. on: October 29, 2011, 11:27:11 EDT
I hope we win tonight.  I think some keys to the game will be.

1)Turnovers.  We can't make em and we need some from SC.

2) We need to run the ball successfully. At least 150 Yards.

3) We cannot allow any 'over the top' plays'.  Teague! listen up.

4) The kicking game must stay solid.

5) O line must block the SC pass rush.

6) Defense must continue to play the run tough and make SC one dimensional on offense.  This could be a big night for our LB's.

It will be a great day is all the above are accomplished.  Also, if we could get an early lead it would make things much easier.
55  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Tyler Bray is campaigning on Twitter for black jerseys and a blackout on: October 26, 2011, 10:25:28 EDT
We are NOT San Diego St. and I don't want to look like them.  I'm really pulling for Tyler to get well quick and I wish him all the best BUT, maybe this recovery time should be spent in the film room and training room getting ready for the next time he takes the field.  I'm sure he has aspirations of playing at the next level and I think it's important that he not WASTE his time pondering about Halloween costumes  for the football team.  Com'on Tyler.  Be a leader.
56  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Two tweets by Austin Ward that I like on: October 25, 2011, 06:26:24 EDT
I like football.

57  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I'm not sure on: October 24, 2011, 03:03:55 EDT
but isn't Worley suppose to have a pretty good set of wheels?  I thought I heard early on that he is also a threat to run the ball.  If so, it would certainly be something new for us in a long, long time.  While watching the Bama game I was even wondering if we could of just put in two fullbacks and do a direct snap to Poole and maybe do a little better running the ball.  I doubt we could do much worse considering how we had zero first downs in the second half.
58  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: So should we start Palardy at QB? on: October 24, 2011, 02:51:31 EDT
Only if AA is the starting wide out. 
59  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Start Worley on: October 24, 2011, 02:50:17 EDT
We WILL beat Candy!
60  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Maybe some good things to point out. on: October 24, 2011, 02:47:26 EDT
Really good points 3, and glad you stressed the positives also

Well, It's a tough job...but somebody's got to do it.

Good luck to you guys BG.  That LSU game will be something to see. 
61  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Maybe some good things to point out. on: October 23, 2011, 11:30:33 EDT
The kicking game was near fantastic last night.  That's high praise coming form me.  I've been critical of our kickers all year, but last night they really did well.  Coverage was fantastic.  Bama had to fair catch most punts and our few kickoffs were covered well.

Our run defense was very good.  I haven't looked at the stats but I wouldn't be surprised if this was the lowest output of the year for Bama.  I disagree that we were selling out to stop the run.  Our LB's were playing run first, but that's what a traditional responsibility for any linebacker.  Also witness that out lone int. was by A.J. dropping back into coverage.  Our front line fought harder than I've seen them do anytime this year. 

Poole ran better than he has all year.  It's good to see him running hard again.

The OL actually got some push on a terrific defensive front.  Once again, I think they blocked better than any time this year.  The pass blocking was very good.  Simm's had time.  He just didn't know what to do with it.

D. Rogers is a beast!  He was dragging bama defenders down the field when Simm's could get him the ball

Not many self-inflicted penlites.  This was good for being on the road in a very hostile environment.

For the game as a whole, I thought Bama played right into our hands in the first half.  They tried to just blow us off the ball and run us out of the ball park.  In the second half, they went right at out weakness.  Our secondary can't cover and can't tackle and they made us pay.  The Bama receivers were running wide open all game long.  I wasn't impress with the bama QB.  He made a few good throws but most were just fantastic diving catches by his receivers.  Decent secondary coverage would of taken away a lot of than.  He doesn't make a lot of mistakes though so he is just what bama needs to go all the way.

On offense, Bama dared us to throw and we couldn't do it.  Simm's had time but not the ability to make a pass.  That fourth down sneak was atrocious and it was the death blow to us in the game.  Still, I'm not really down on Simms because he just does what he can do.  If you put a cow in the Kentucky Derby you can't be mad at the cow because it didn't win. 

In conclusion, we are still laying the foundation for a good team.  We have holes that need to be plugged and then we need depth in the worst way.  It's a long road ahead but we are moving in the right direction.  I sure will be glad when our opponents stop paying us compliments and start cursing us again.
62  Sports / VTTW Message Board / This looks like an old fashion Tn vs. Bama game. on: October 23, 2011, 02:51:10 EDT
And since I've been so hard on Palardy all year.  Kudos to him.  Lets take this game into the 4th and just see what happens.
63  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: I have some complaints, and I think it's time... on: October 18, 2011, 10:31:13 EDT
I broke my ankle and it hurts like hell!
64  Sports / VTTW Message Board / It's starting to get frustrating around here. on: October 17, 2011, 06:29:06 EDT
Sooooo many complaints.  No coaching improvements, no new schemes to stop the opponents, what if Dooley can't coach, Etc. etc. etc.  So much witching and crying is really starting to get on my nerves.  I just want to know how many of the gloomy legion here predicted 9 - 11 wins this year?  I told you then you had your head in the clouds...That you were thinking with your heart and not your brain.  It's time to show a little backbone here and be a little supportive.

Has anyone here ever played chess?  If you do, then you know that when you get down to only a rook and a king, options become extremely limited.  This is close to what we have on our football team right now.  We don't have any play-makers.  About the only way we can win is to make no mistakes and hope the other team does.  Florida, Georgia and LSU didn't make any serious mistakes.
We can't hope to start winning until we can match up on talent.  Our best defensive player is Jackson at DT.  He goes about 275.  We're about to play a bama team that will have LB's that go about 260.  They have all the cards in experience, talent, depth, speed, coaching, home field, etc.  Yes, we have a chance to win, but we need to be realistic of just what those chances are.

I know folks are frustrated, but the coaching is fine and things are getting better.  But be aware that he competition we are playing is at the top of the chart and that any improvements may be overshadowed by the rise in the competition level.  I am about 75% certain that we will have played the next national champion after this Saturday. 

Lets all just back away from the edge of the cliff right now and take a deep breath.  Things are getting better.  Look for bright spots in the game.  The climb to the top is a long one.

65  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: I'm going to rant a little on: October 16, 2011, 09:54:16 EDT
Maybe it's time to take a step back and get a different perspective about where we are.  As a team, we are as shallow as a mud puddle on talent.  We do have some play-makers.  Just not very many.  Unfortunately for us we have lost  most of them due to injury.  Losing Bray is a killer.  Coupled with the loss of Hunter and Jackson on the defense our little 'puddle' of talent is about dried up.  This is a problem that only time and recruiting can fix.  Next year we will be better in this aspect.

Secondly, we are playing the toughest schedule in the country.  I don't think I've ever seen one as tough as the one we are playing right now.  This is not a good thing to do when you don't have the players to endure.  I don't think any team in the country could play our next 5 game lineup and come through unscathed.  Next year should be a little easier.

Thirdly, the guys are still fighting.  I haven't seen any quit this year.

Fourth, The kicking game is really improving.  Remember that it was just a few years ago that we were kicking the ball out of bounds on kickoff and conceding the first 40 yards of the field.  Coverage is pretty darned good now.  Our kicking game would be excellent if we had some decent kickers.  

Finally, we are so very young as a team.  We won't be next year.  We just have to endure and hope these losses burn in the souls of our young guys during the off season as motivation to get faster, stronger, bigger and better.  I thought we would win 6 last year.  I thought that we would be better this year and still only win 6 games because the schedule is so much tougher.  Next year I think we will win more and be a ranked team.  We just have to last.

Hang in there.  Better days are ahead.
66  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Teague is awful* on: October 15, 2011, 11:21:57 EDT
How did he ever beat out Anderson?  I have NO idea.  If he just plays average, then we are in this game.
67  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Hats off to the OL on that drive. on: October 15, 2011, 11:10:14 EDT
Maybe they are finally getting the idea.   
68  Sports / VTTW Message Board / They call Poole for a PF for tossing the ball on: October 15, 2011, 10:02:01 EDT
and they let a face mask on Lane go by.  That's sec officials for ya.
69  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: LSU should win on sat...but... on: October 13, 2011, 11:23:28 EDT
I like to think positive as well.  We have a tiny, tiny chance to win...but we do have a chance.
70  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Tahj Boyd on: October 13, 2011, 11:21:31 EDT
This boat left the dock a LOOOOOONG time ago. 
71  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Than goodness I wasn't there to see this CRAP live on: October 12, 2011, 05:04:25 EDT
Dark days indeed when we criticize the band.
72  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Those of you convinced that uga suxes on: October 12, 2011, 05:02:11 EDT
I will start out by saying that I have said and still maintain that we will be at a talent deficit in every sec game this year, with the exception of Kentucky and Vandy.  I have also said we would most likely be 6-6 this year and maybe 7-5 if we steal one.  I defiantly go with 6 and 6 now without Hunter, Bray and Jackson.

As far a talent goes, uga has far more than we do.  So does florida, lsu, bama, sc, auburn, arkansas.  This won't change next year either.

For the game, I think we had a good chance to win if there were some key plays reversed.  First and most obvious were the long balls on Teague.  This can't happened but yet it happened about 5 times.  If we cover those plays I think one score comes off the board for uga.  Another key was in the first series when uga had the ball.  Murray scrambles and gets tackled inches short of a first down and they convert on fourth.  The leg whip on A.J. had me screaming at the officials.  That's a personal foul that is suppose to be as automatic as a face mask.  It also can break a leg, destroy a knee and end a career.  The worst part about it is the officials were all standing there watching it because A.J. did end up making the tackle.  If that call is made, uga goes back to 3rd and about 23 yards.  They punt and we get good field position.  Instead, they drive down and kick a FG and put us behind right off the bat.  I think that drive set the tone for the game.

Finally, we really need a kicker.  Right now every FG and extra point is a cross you fingers type play.

Everybody on the team needs to step up right now.  I see us at a tipping point and think Dooley's biggest problem is going to be keeping the guys moving forward regardless of the outcome of the next 4 games.  Realistically, we don't have much of a shot.  Our biggest weapons are gone and it's going to be very tough for the next few weeks. 

One think I think Dooley should do is call in Heistland (sp) and slam his fist on the table and yell "Where the HELL is my offensive line!"  OL has been the biggest disappointment of the season so far.  If they don't improve markedly in the next few weeks, I think he should be shown the door at the end of the year. 

Hang in there everyone.  Resist the ignorant "fire Dooley" garbage.  I think he's doing a good job and will get us there if given time.
73  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Why did we punt? on: October 09, 2011, 05:22:41 EDT
Comon..... It was like 4th and 17 with 8 and a half minutes to go.  A lot can happen in that amount of time.  One thing I do not agree on is that the play clock is reset when the offense gets a penalty.  Then they get to run 30 more seconds off the clock.  Theoretically a team could use up the entire game clock by jumping offsides.  This is wrong and punishes the defense for an offensive penalty.

I posted this in the wrong thread.
74  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: I see a game plan that looked a lot like what Majors did on: October 09, 2011, 05:21:45 EDT
Comon..... It was like 4th and 17 with 8 and a half minutes to go.  A lot can happen in that amount of time.  One thing I do not agree on is that the play clock is reset when the offense gets a penalty.  Then they get to run 30 more seconds off the clock.  Theoretically a team could use up the entire game clock by jumping offsides.  This is wrong and punishes the defense for an offensive penalty.
75  Sports / VTTW Message Board / I wonder.... on: October 09, 2011, 05:15:30 EDT
where did the little screen pass go?  Lane looks capable.  It would of been effective in the second half.
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