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1  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Barnes is the new UT coach. Why did he get fired again? Underacheiving? Yes on: April 01, 2015, 02:20:06 EDT
So if others disagree with your disagreement, that somehow means you're not allowed to disagree?!  Funny, but I don't see any censorship of posts of disagreement.  It seems to me that's just discourse.  The real issue is the assertions by those disagreeing with the majority that somehow they are the only objective or realistic fans/posters.  That's simply absurd.

I actually typed out a post that tried to reasonably state my opinion of the way things work here and why I believe it happens, but I know that no one truly cares and it would just perpetuate the animosity and harshness of interactions between myself and people around here. So, forget whatever adult response I had in mind. I'll leave you all to it.
2  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Barnes is the new UT coach. Why did he get fired again? Underacheiving? Yes on: April 01, 2015, 01:40:22 EDT
I have to tell you, volsboy, you are wasting your time here trying to argue the merits of a coach at Tennessee with this board. These same posters were all behind Derek Dooley, Sal Sunseri, Cuonzo Martin, Mike Bajakian, and Donnie Tyndall. Everyone of those coaches had plenty of negatives to point to, but it didn't matter until they were no longer employed by Tennessee (or clearly about to be fired, a la Dooley in his last season), then suddenly it was okay to less than pleased with them. That's just the way it is here. You will not be allowed to disagree.

Now that I have said that, perhaps you are jumping the gun a little with all this anger. Rick Barnes is as good as it is going to get right now. Save some of that annoyance for later when Tennessee is in a position to be pickier regarding coaching hires.
3  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: So is Tyndall gone? on: March 26, 2015, 10:29:49 EDT
Whichever outcome is worse for the basketball team will be the one that happens. Either he is fired and no one worth a shizzle replaces him or he isn't fired but is severely handcuffed by restrictions/suspensions. He's not a good enough coach to withstand any moderately harsh restrictions.
4  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Now here is an accurate characterization of the folks I live amongst on: March 26, 2015, 10:27:49 EDT
The sad thing is, it's still okay to make fun of the Appalachian people. Why is that? If they did this to blacks it would make peoples heads explode. Time for this shizzle to end. Where I live now, people still think us folks are stupid. You see some of the stuff on the internet and it's hard to dispute them. Some of the people that live back in the hollers just scream "Deliverance". How do you argue against this stuff? Why aren't more southerners tired of these hicks. Can't we bring them into this century? Most of those redneck jokes are true. You might me a redneck if your porch falls in and 10 dogs are killed. I see it all the time back in the hollers around Bristol when I'm visit home. How do you remedy this stuff? And who here thinks a lot of Vols fans are any different from this culturally wise?

Is...is this satire?
5  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Question for you computer smart people... on: January 14, 2015, 12:20:44 EST
Is that site with the frozen character animations? That's a good one for intro programming. It teaches code in blocks which helps understand how it works and then you can get more advanced later on with actual lines of code. Code academy has a pretty decent website with a python tutorial. It's a fairly easy language to begin with. There are tons of books and sites to help with learning coding. Should be easy to find material.
6  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Let's talk about the recent offensive success on: November 03, 2014, 10:50:04 EST
I said on here a few weeks ago that the offense would not have success without some changes being made. I said that if that didn't happen then this coaching staff, specifically Bajakian, would find themselves unemployed eventually. (Note, I was not referencing that potential outcome as happening this year or even next year.) Well, some changes happened and there has been success. It is exactly what I was hoping to see. Dobbs has made a ton of difference and it's extremely noticeable. They are still running the same base stuff, but what they are doing out of it, QB running, etc., has been tweaked and it's working. I hope it continues and those minor tweaks give me hope that it can, something I was lacking a few weeks ago.

Lots of credit to Dobbs for making this thing run, too. His mobility has been refreshing, and I don't just mean his running down field. His movement in the pocket looks good so far. That TD pass to Croom to tie the game was a phenomenal job by him of working the pocket and moving with his protection. I'm super excited in what I've seen from the players recently and doubly happy to see the coaching staff answer the most pressing concerns that I saw as well as they have the last couple of weeks.

You see, I'm perfectly capable of giving credit where it is due. Great job recently by everyone associated with team. Hope we all get to see that continue for this season and beyond.
7  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 06, 2014, 11:13:56 EDT
We are a left hand dominate running team at the moment.  If we lineup strong left and run any kind of counter scheme you can bet the farm the TE (or Wing TE if we are running double TEs) is crossing to block the back side.

Interestingly, most (not all) actual fly sweeps are to the right.

Another factoid, showing where the Pearson injury impacts us - When we ran double slots Saturday almost always the 2nd slot was Helm (one of the few times it wasn't resulted in possibly our longest pass completion, to Johnson).

Our TE depth chart Saturday appeared to be Wolf, Helm, Ellis (was in on a 3 TE set).  Not sure if the TE you were referring to was ever on the field on offense

I don't think you know enough about football to be handing out lessons. You certainly don't know enough to be so condescending about it. You would benefit from being kinder to those you address.
8  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: One game is enough to determine Butch Jones' abilities? on: October 05, 2014, 09:50:42 EDT
It may make me a bit of a hypocrite because I think we need a new OL coach, but here's my problem with castrating Butch for being too loyal to his coaches: Last year, I and many (most?) other UT fans thought that John Jancek couldn't cut it as an SEC defensive coordinator. Half a season later, this UT defense as at least a mid-tier SEC defense. A defense that was completely maligned last year is in the top half of defenses in the best conference in college football. So while I've been vocal about Bajakian's play calling myself, I think we should at least wait until the end of the season and see where things stand.

I'm not trying to advocate for the offensive coordinator to be fired at this time. I am saying that he has underperformed since he got here, and his problems are a lot about the scheme and design of plays. Some of it is due to personnel, and that's a factor I consider when watching the offense. That's not the whole problem, though, and it's not close to the biggest problem. I've seen Bajakian try to block Clowney with a tight end. I've seen him try to block defensive ends one on one with freshmen/inexperienced tackles. I've seen him go completely away from plays that were working and start trying other stuff just to stay multiple. Multiple is great and everything, but it's insanity to change the playcalling that is working just for the sake of changing it. We could talk all day about the slow developing running plays and zone read stuff that is just not working. We could talk about his apparent lack of rhythm on drives. Too many times I have seen a drive stall because of a bad play call that put the team behind the sticks. This goes back to that changing playcalling just to change it thing I referenced earlier. These are all reasons why Bajakian is failing at his job. If it continues and he doesn't learn how to make adjustments that progress the offense forward, then I will suggest his firing. As of right now, I have no problem with Jones sticking with his staff. At this point, nothing indicates to me that a change needs to be made. However, if the season continues to go the way it appears it will go, then Bajakian and Mahoney can find the first ride out of town because a lot of the failings will be on them. If Jones refuses to accept this potential outcome, then he will find himself looking for new employment in a couple of years. My personal opinion is that Bajakian is terrible and cannot improve. Therefore, I believe his firing will be warranted. There is time for that outcome to be avoided, but nothing I've seen to this point in his career at Tennessee indicates to me that he will show the needed improvement.
9  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: One game is enough to determine Butch Jones' abilities? on: October 05, 2014, 06:49:22 EDT
I just think that's a completely unfair assessment. Was yesterday's loss a red flag? Absolutely. But to look at one game and determine from that game that a coach can't win championships...I just don't know how you reasonably draw a conclusion like that. If what happened yesterday becomes a pattern, I'll be the first in line to agree with you. But, correct me if I'm wrong: With the possible exception of Vanderbilt last year, yesterday was the first time Jones' UT team faced a team they should have beaten and lost. Even championship coaches lose games they aren't supposed to from time to time. Look no further than the coach whose name has already been mentioned on this thread. Wonder how many Alabama fans thought Nick Saban would never be a championship-caliber coach after he lost to Louisiana Monroe in 2007?

I don't know why you insist on saying these opinions are about one game. They are not. You can accept that or not, but no matter how much you keep saying it's about one game, that will just not be the reality.
10  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 05, 2014, 05:13:51 EDT
The personnel has never been the whole problem. I am LMAO how the experts here are now griping about the OC and the play calls.   

The only thing I've seen anyone do here expertly is defend coaches and denigrate fellow fans. This board is stunningly efficient at that task.
11  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: One game is enough to determine Butch Jones' abilities? on: October 05, 2014, 05:11:14 EDT
Wonder what sabans record was his first two years at bammar?

Here's one for you. The year before Hugh Freeze went to Ole Miss, they were 2-10. He proceeded to take that team to a bowl game. The next season, he went to another bowl game. Now he has his team poised to make a serious run at a SECC. Jones took over a 5-7 team and repeated that mark, missing a bowl game. He is 2-3 this season and the prospects of a bowl game this year are dwindling. This is where the comparison should be made between Jones and another SEC program. Kentucky is another good example. Stoops and Jones are both in their second year. They both had identical records are their predecessors in the first year, and now Kentucky is 4-1 and really improving as the season goes, while Tennessee is 2-3 and treading water yet again. Do these facts mean anything? Maybe, maybe not. The point is this, Tennessee is not getting it done right now, and I will be critical of the offensive coaches right now, because they are not getting the job done while other coaches in this same league did not have these problems in similar situations. If things improve, and the offense starts producing and holding up their end, then the criticism will stop. Until then, there is work to be done, and I wait patiently, but not silently, for it to be accomplished.
12  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: One game is enough to determine Butch Jones' abilities? on: October 05, 2014, 05:00:21 EDT
This fanbase makes me sick to my stomach, too. It's beyond frustrating to see fans be so blindly loyal to a coach that they confuse criticism for condemnation. These things are not the same. I'm appalled at the way some fans want to lash out at others over not being loyal enough. This fanbase has done everything Jones has asked of them. We filled Neyland on opening night and we filled it again yesterday, evening creating the unique checkerboard pattern for a little added flavor. The fans get loud and embrace the third down thing he wants to do, as well as all of the other catchphrase stuff he's come up with. The fans have been bringing it for him. If these same fans want to criticize the offense to this point, then we have every right to do that. The offensive scheme is not producing currently, and it will not produce until changes are made. Jones needs a new OC or his current one needs to make some adjustments. I don't care which, but one of those things has to happen or we will be looking for a new head coach again in a couple of years. Watch the offense closely the rest of the year, as I'm sure everyone will be doing anyway. If things change and they start having success, it will be a direct result of the coaches changing things schematically to help cover the weaknesses. Getting the injured receivers back will help also, but only marginally. The real success, if it comes, will come from the adjustments the offensive coaching staff (hopefully) makes.
13  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Guess its ok to complain about the offensive staff now. on: October 05, 2014, 05:46:44 EDT
Well you can certainly complain about the offensive line, and I have. As for the staff and the rest of the offense, I don't know what can be done as long as the line is as poor as it is.

I'm just a fan that enjoys watching football and I've done that for several years. If I, along with literally millions of other people, can see that a true freshman tackle cannot block a defensive end one on one and needs a tight end beside him to help, then it is inexcusable that the offensive coaching staff cannot seem to grasp that very simple concept. I mean, it's not like they are using the tight end in the passing game, so I'm pretty sure he is available if they would just put him there. This is on Jones, too. This is his offensive scheme. He better figure out pretty quickly that there are some adjustments to be made or it will be his downfall at Tennessee. He can recruit all the players he wants, but if he doesn't find a way to start coaching around the deficiencies on the team, then he will not survive in the long run. I really don't give a shizzle who is coaching Tennessee, so if he fails then whatever, bring on the next one. I would prefer he succeed, as I'm quite tired of being patient. He will have to to change that infallible philosophy for the next couple of years, though. His system is not working consistently at all. If the players don't make great plays then the offense goes nowhere. That's not good scheme at all. I'll be hoping that progress is shown on the offense the rest of the year like the defense has shown at this point. They are just as young on that side of the ball and playing light years ahead of the offense to this point. That should make it pretty clear at where the coaching is falling short.
14  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: USA soccer fans on: December 07, 2013, 01:39:44 EST
not so fast....we can beat Ghana, draw/beat Portugal...as long as we just stop Ronaldo = advance to the knockout stage.  I am optimistic about our chances to advance.  The experts have us at 39% chance/Portugal a 40% chance to advance.


Sure they can,  and I'll be watching hoping they do. They need to beat Ghana by 2 or 3 to have a good chance at advancing on goal difference with a tie breaker, if they can draw either Germany or Portugal. Of course,  winning two would get them through but that's going to be tough. Portugal and Germany are two of the top teams in the world and Ghana plays USA really tough. They've eliminated USA the last two world cups. This group should be fun.
15  Sports / VTTW Message Board / USA soccer fans on: December 06, 2013, 06:31:50 EST
You can probably skip this world cup. They drew Germany,  Ghana, and Portugal. Likely going home after group play.
16  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Another example of this staff working hard on: December 03, 2013, 05:27:07 EST
I appreciate their efforts and it appears to be paying dividends. 

Look, I know you hate this coaching staff and think they are terrible in every aspect and you've felt this way since day 1, even before that I'm sure. You are gonna have to cool it with all the harsh words all the time in every post you make. It's very unbecoming. Someone I know well would say it behooves you to stop being so mean to these guys that are just trying their hardest. Shame, shame, shame.
17  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk criticism of the coaches on: November 24, 2013, 02:27:35 EST
why should you be?
Your post changed nothing with regards to generic's posts
If he wants to act like a whining five year old I'll call him on it.

His service to the Country is honorable but doesn't have a damn thing to do with his posts last night.

Hey, if you want to see a good example of a whiny poster, check out this guy over on the political forum called PirateVol. Guy can't go five minutes without complaining about the President.
18  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk criticism of the coaches on: November 24, 2013, 07:07:00 EST
no apologies

I knew generic was kin to someone but couldn't remember who.

We should hang out socially.
19  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk criticism of the coaches on: November 24, 2013, 06:42:37 EST
well, if you insist on digging yourself deeper into your hole, go for it

BTW that was not an insult.  Unless you call your quoted post an insult to yourself???

You might be the happiest person I've ever kind of met, as much as one person can meet another on the internet.
20  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk criticism of the coaches on: November 24, 2013, 06:26:05 EST
just because you showed your ass doesn't mean you need to get your panties in a wad trying to portend you are defending the honor of a vague individual when the fact is your self loathing is what got your ass in a crack to start with 

I like the insults.
21  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk criticism of the coaches on: November 24, 2013, 06:19:48 EST
I'm at a loss to understand this thread. If I'm correct, you're upset because certain unnamed posters took to task a certain other unnamed poster or posters because the latter unnamed poster(s) were criticizing the coaches and now the parties of the first part are now themselves criticizing the coaches. Is that it?

If so,....I"m still at a loss to understand this thread.

I know the guy. He was treated unfairly. It's not okay to do that.
22  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk criticism of the coaches on: November 24, 2013, 06:17:58 EST
note I used no names but if the shoe fits, wear it well ...

I need a new pair of shoes.
23  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk criticism of the coaches on: November 24, 2013, 06:09:25 EST
Useless thread, filled with some self loathing

I feel like one of your posts disappeared, but I managed to read it first, and I learned something.
24  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk criticism of the coaches on: November 24, 2013, 06:06:40 EST
I'll talk if you like, just not here. PM me if you want.


I love you, man
25  Sports / VTTW Message Board / Re: Let's talk criticism of the coaches on: November 24, 2013, 05:59:42 EST
Useless thread, filled with some self loathing

Useful thread, filled with lots of relevant information. As expected, no one wants to admit that they maybe were a little too harsh on a guy (again, not me) that wasn't in love with the staff earlier this season. That's okay, though. Ball don't lie.
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